PH value in humans

Definition The pH value indicates how acidic or basic a solution is. Usually the acid-base definition according to Brønsted is used: If particles can take up protons (H+ ions), then these are called proton acceptors, or bases; if particles can give off protons, then we speak of proton donors, or acids. Accordingly, the pH value … PH value in humans

Pethidine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Pethidine is a fully synthetic opioid. It is used for severe to very severe pain, such as that that may occur after accidents or surgery. What is pethidine? Pethidine is a fully synthetic opioid. It is used for severe to very severe pain. When given intravenously, maximum effect is achieved in about 3 to 10 … Pethidine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Hemoglobinopathy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

A hemoglobinopathy represents a hereditary abnormal change in hemoglobin. The main areas of distribution of hemoglobinopathies are the tropics and subtropics. The expression of each blood disorder depends on the particular genetic defect. What is a hemoglobinopathy? Hemoglobinopathies are genetic blood disorders that occur mainly in the tropics and in many Mediterranean countries. About seven … Hemoglobinopathy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment