Home remedy against warts

A wart is an infectious phenomenon on the skin, which can sometimes be painful and is very unpleasant for most people affected. Common warts are usually understood to be the so-called spine warts, which are caused by the human papilloma virus, also known as HPV. These viruses can be easily transmitted, for example in public … Home remedy against warts

Do these home remedies help with all warts? | Home remedy against warts

Do these home remedies help with all warts? The above mentioned household remedies work primarily well with the frequently occurring thorn warts.Whether the existing warts are really these can be verified by means of various criteria: Thorn warts typically occur on the foot and can sometimes be very painful. There are, however, also different warts, … Do these home remedies help with all warts? | Home remedy against warts

Taping of torn muscle fibers

Introduction In the taping procedure of a torn muscle fibre, an elastic kinesiotape is placed over the damaged muscle, fixed and left in this position for a few days or weeks. The taping method is a treatment method that has been used for several years in orthopedics and sports medicine to relieve muscle strain. The … Taping of torn muscle fibers

Instructions for Kinesiotape | Taping of torn muscle fibers

Instructions for Kinesiotape A few points should be observed to ensure successful use. First of all, the practitioner should sit or lie down in such a way that the patient can reach the corresponding muscle to be treated very well. Then the practitioner should have a very good theoretical understanding of the muscle’s course (anatomical … Instructions for Kinesiotape | Taping of torn muscle fibers

Tape for the eyelids

Definition – What is a tape for the eyelid? Tape for the eyelids is a special medical aid that is mainly used to treat drooping eyelids. In this case, the rather slack eyelids are fixed by the tape in such a way that their shape is based on the “normal” shape of eyelids. This improves … Tape for the eyelids

Evaluation | Tape for the eyelids

Evaluation Tapes for the eyelids are basically a working treatment method for drooping eyelids. Above all, they can temporarily eliminate medical problems associated with the disease. Their greatest weakness is that they are merely a so-called symptomatic form of therapy. Although the symptoms and complaints of drooping eyelids are treated, the cause of the complaints … Evaluation | Tape for the eyelids