Exercises for asthma

The exercises used in the therapy of bronchial asthma are primarily intended to help the patient to consciously control his or her breathing and thus to be able to actively counteract an asthma attack without panicking. Through correct, conscious breathing, the brain and other body cells are supplied with sufficient oxygen, which naturally puts the … Exercises for asthma

Therapy | Exercises for asthma

Therapy The therapy of asthma is essentially based on the severity of the disease, which is carried out according to a certain step-by-step scheme that is particularly oriented on the frequency of the symptoms. The focus is on drug therapy. This consists of the use of short-acting drugs for an acute asthma attack and long-acting … Therapy | Exercises for asthma

Asthma inhaler | Exercises for asthma

Asthma inhaler Asthma sprays are an important part of the therapy of bronchial asthma. A distinction is made between long-term medication (controllers) and short-term medication (relievers). Usually, the medication is administered in the form of an asthma spray. However, there are some small but subtle differences. Dosing aerosols (classic asthma spray) e.g. Respimat: With this … Asthma inhaler | Exercises for asthma

Summary | Exercises for asthma

Summary In summary, it can be said that exercises for the therapy of asthma are a sensible and helpful supplement to drug treatment. They help the patients to better cope with the disease and to be able to intervene themselves in case of an acute asthma attack. Through the breathing exercises learned in the therapy, … Summary | Exercises for asthma

Physiotherapeutic measures | Pain in the ribs – causes and physiotherapy

Physiotherapeutic measures In order to improve the symptoms in the long term, it is first necessary to make a precise diagnosis. The different causes of rib pain require different treatment approaches. For organic diseases, physiotherapeutic treatment is not the first choice, although physiotherapy can certainly support the rest of the therapy. Nevertheless, a medical diagnosis … Physiotherapeutic measures | Pain in the ribs – causes and physiotherapy

Exercises | Physiotherapy for peroneal tendon inflammation

Exercises After suffering from peroneal tendon inflammation, active exercises are intended to restore the elasticity of the tissue, strengthen the affected and surrounding muscles and train depth sensitivity and coordination. To restore muscle and tendon length, various stretching exercises are suitable. 1.) For an exercise that is easy to do at home or in everyday … Exercises | Physiotherapy for peroneal tendon inflammation

Carcinoma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The term carcinoma is a medical term: more precisely, it comes from pathology and describes a certain type of malignant tumor. In this respect, it is also beneficial for affected patients to understand the word and to have an overview of the associated problems and treatment approaches. Of course, every tumor is different; a lung … Carcinoma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment