Exercise LWS 3

Sit on a chair with a cushion under your buttocks. The legs are hip-free from each other and turned outwards. The hands are resting below the iliac crest. The pelvis is tilted forward. To do this, point your pubic bone towards your navel. Now actively tense the abdomen and pull the shoulders backwards so that … Exercise LWS 3

Exercise BWS 2

They move into the supine position and have their arms stretched out close to the body. Make their necks long and point their shoulders to the floor and their chest to the ceiling. Now push both arms towards the feet. Hold the tension for 10 seconds. Next exercise for the BWS

Physiotherapy on the device

Physiotherapy on the device is a prescription for therapeutic training and an effective method to build up muscles, promote mobility and (re)create the conditions for an active everyday life. Physiotherapy on the device (also called medical training therapy) is often prescribed as a follow-up prescription after a physiotherapeutic individual treatment or manual therapy. While pain … Physiotherapy on the device

Summary | Physiotherapy on the device

Summary Physiotherapy on the machine includes a warm-up phase, a strength section and a cool-down. It is therefore an effective method to build up muscles, promote mobility and (re)create the conditions for an active everyday life. Modern equipment guarantees the patient a very low risk of injury and an optimal increase in load. Physiotherapy on … Summary | Physiotherapy on the device


A cervical spine surgery is an operation on the cervical spine, which in most cases is performed by a neurosurgeon or orthopedist. There are various clinical pictures that can lead to the necessity of a cervical spine surgery. In general, surgery is performed if, despite physiotherapy and other therapy methods, persistent pain in the neck … CERVICAL SPINE SURGERY

Atopy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Atopy is a skin disease characterized by red and inflamed patches of skin, often associated with allergic reactions and asthma. Treatment is through attentive skin care. What is atopy? Atopy is a very common, often long-lasting skin disease. It is a specific form of allergic hypersensitivity that can involve various symptoms. These include: Asthma, asthmatic … Atopy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Neisseria Sicca: Infection, Transmission & Diseases

Neisseria sicca is a bacterial species with individual strains that fall into the genus Neisseria and are classified in the superordinate family Neisseriaceae. The bacteria live as commensals in the respiratory tract of humans and require oxygen for their metabolism. The aerobes have been observed in immunocompromised humans as causative agents of pneumonia and meningitis. … Neisseria Sicca: Infection, Transmission & Diseases