Androgenetic Alopecia in Women

Symptoms Increasing diffuse thinning of the hair occurs in the area of the middle parting. In this case, unlike androgenetic alopecia in men, not all hair is lost, but the scalp becomes visible over time. Often, a densely hairy strip remains frontally above the forehead. Dense hair is also still found on the sides and … Androgenetic Alopecia in Women

Telogen Effluvium

Symptoms Telogen effluvium is a non-scarring, diffuse hair loss that occurs suddenly. More hairs than usual fall out all over the scalp hair. They are easily pulled out and left behind when brushing, showering or on the pillow. “Telogen” refers to the resting phase of the hair cycle, “effluvium” means increased hair loss see also … Telogen Effluvium

Hair Anatomy and Physiology

Hair anatomy and physiology Hairs are horny filaments formed by test tube-shaped invaginations of the epidermis. The portion protruding obliquely from the skin is called the hair shaft. Inserted into the skin and extending to the subcutis is the so-called hair follicle. The hair also includes the sebaceous glands, which open into the hair funnel, … Hair Anatomy and Physiology

Alopecia Areata

Symptoms Alopecia areata manifests as single or multiple, clearly defined, smooth, oval to round hairless areas. The skin is healthy and not inflamed. Hair loss most commonly occurs on the hair of the head, but all other body hair, such as the eyelashes, eyebrows, underarm hair, beard, and pubic hair, may be affected, and changes … Alopecia Areata

Homeopathy for circular hair loss on the head (Alopecia areata)

Homeopathic medicines The following are possible homeopathic medicines: Arsenicum album, Phosphorus Lycopodium Acidum fluoricum (aqueous hydrofluoric acid) Hepar sulfuris (lime sulphur liver) Arsenicum album (White Arsenic) Prescription only up to and including D3! Typical dosage of Arsenicum album (White Arsenic) for hair loss: Tablets D6 Pronounced weakness with anxious restlessness Exhaustion after little effort Emaciated … Homeopathy for circular hair loss on the head (Alopecia areata)