Dysmelia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Dysmelia can take various forms. According to the form of the malformation, appropriate therapeutic measures are usually based on the individual. What is dysmelia? Dysmelia is a malformation that affects the limbs (legs, arms, hands, and/or arms). Malformations associated with dysmelia are already congenital. Depending on the affected person, the malformation can affect several limbs … Dysmelia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Acrodynia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Feer’s disease or acrodynia is mercury poisoning that manifests in dermatologic, motor, and psycho-vegetative symptoms. Untreated acrodynia can end in fatal sepsis. Reliable antidotes are now available as treatment options. What is acrodynia? Feer’s disease or acrodynia is mercury poisoning that manifests in dermatologic, motor, and psycho-vegetative symptoms. Acryodynia is also known as Feer’ disease … Acrodynia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Amalgam Poisoning: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Amalgam poisoning is a possible consequence of dental fillings containing amalgam. To counteract existing amalgam poisoning, a first important step is to replace corresponding fillings. What is amalgam poisoning? In case of amalgam poisoning, it is essential to replace the amalgam fillings with other materials. Your dentist will provide you with comprehensive information about this. … Amalgam Poisoning: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment