Causes of caries

Caries or colloquially “tooth decay” is today one of the most widespread diseases of the teeth and the periodontium, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) it is even one of the most common infectious diseases worldwide. However, many people still do not know how and for what reason caries develops, which factors favour it … Causes of caries

Further causes for the development of caries | Causes of caries

Further causes for the development of caries There are, however, other causes for the development of carious defects. One should keep in mind that proper salivation is essential for a healthy oral cavity and intact teeth. Lack of salivation and dry mouth increase the risk of caries enormously. If a patient suffers from a malignant … Further causes for the development of caries | Causes of caries

Dental floss

Introduction Regular and adequate oral hygiene forms the basis of dental and oral health. Deposits in the form of plaque (soft plaque) or tartar (hard plaque) can sooner or later have an extremely bad influence on the tooth substance, gums and jawbone. Plaque generally forms a tough bio-film that consists of waste products of bacterial … Dental floss

Floss Sticks | Dental floss

Floss Sticks To clean the interdental spaces (interdental spaces) a cleaning stick can be used in addition to the usual dental floss. These sticks consist of a handle with a piece of dental floss about two to 5 cm long already clamped. These interdental space cleaning aids offer the advantage that many patients prefer them … Floss Sticks | Dental floss

Production time of a bite splint | How long should one wear a bite splint?

Production time of a bite splint The production time of a bite splint depends on the used plastic. All methods have the same impression taking at the beginning. This can be done with the material alginate (duration 10 minutes, costs low) or digitally with a camera (duration 10 seconds, costs high!). These impressions are poured … Production time of a bite splint | How long should one wear a bite splint?


As in other parts of the body, tumours can also occur in the oral cavity. These neoplasms arise from cells of the oral mucosa, gums, jaw or from cells involved in the development of the teeth. They can be benign or malignant. The diagnosis is made by means of an x-ray, which shows whether the … Ameloblastoma