Aphthae in the throat

Introduction The term “aphthae” refers to small inflamed bulges in the oral cavity, which are perceived by those affected as enormously disturbing and painful. In the majority of cases, aphthae appear directly on the oral mucosa in the area of the cheeks and the oral vestibule (vestibulum), sometimes they can also be found on the … Aphthae in the throat

Wearing time of the bite splint | Therapy approaches for teeth grinding

Wearing time of the bite splint There are different recommendations for the wearing time of a plastic splint. As protection against excessive teeth grinding, such a splint can be used on a daily basis. On the other hand, the unfamiliar feeling and the additional foreign body in the mouth can increase the grinding of the … Wearing time of the bite splint | Therapy approaches for teeth grinding

Homeopathy | Therapy approaches for teeth grinding

Homeopathy Homeopathy is a variety of naturopathic procedures used to treat teeth grinding. Not only do they alleviate the symptoms, but they can also treat the causes of the disease. Homoeopathy is particularly successful in cases of severe psychological and physical stress, such as professional or private stress, restlessness or sleep disorders. The naturopathic medicines … Homeopathy | Therapy approaches for teeth grinding

What household products are available for cleaning? | Cleaning the occlusal splint

What household products are available for cleaning? The following household products are frequently used for cleaning: Diluted acetic acid and citric acid solutions are regarded as household remedies with a positive effect. In a low concentration the two solutions can dissolve tartar and plaque without damaging the plastic splint. They can also remove hard deposits … What household products are available for cleaning? | Cleaning the occlusal splint

Cleaning by means of ultrasound | Cleaning the occlusal splint

Cleaning by means of ultrasound Ultrasound is a particularly effective means for the lasting and thorough cleaning of bite splints. Meanwhile, ultrasonic baths are available for home use, with which splints and also prostheses can be cleaned and maintained daily. The splint is placed in the bath for about 3-5 minutes and the vibrations of … Cleaning by means of ultrasound | Cleaning the occlusal splint