What to do if you get plaque despite regular brushing? | Dental plaque, bad breath and tooth discoloration

What to do if you get plaque despite regular brushing? If plaque often develops despite regular tooth brushing, this can be due to several factors. On the one hand, it may be due to the fact that dental care at home is not carried out properly and plaque may still remain after brushing. However, staining … What to do if you get plaque despite regular brushing? | Dental plaque, bad breath and tooth discoloration

What is the oral flora? | Dental plaque, bad breath and tooth discoloration

What is the oral flora? The oral cavity contains countless microorganisms that feel extremely comfortable in the moist and warm oral cavity environment. Besides various types of bacteria, these include fungi, yeasts, amoebae and flagellates. Oxygen-loving bacteria (aerobes), bacteria that can survive without oxygen (anaerobes) and those that can survive either with or without oxygen … What is the oral flora? | Dental plaque, bad breath and tooth discoloration

Bad breath caused by plaque | Dental plaque, bad breath and tooth discoloration

Bad breath caused by plaque Bad breath is also called “halitosis” and is caused by several factors. In almost 90% of the cases it is formed in the oral cavity. One of the reasons is plaque. Plaque causes decay processes in the mouth, in which bacteria decompose food leftovers and release gases, especially sulfur compounds. … Bad breath caused by plaque | Dental plaque, bad breath and tooth discoloration

Tooth jewelry

Tooth jewelry is any kind of decoration such as tartar, glued diamonds or so-called Dazzler. They are a fad and can already be seen on some celebrities. The selection of motifs for tooth jewelry is very large. There are foils of gold, they are called Dazzler or gold plates with incorporated gems called Twinkles. There … Tooth jewelry

Tooth Nerve

Synonym pulp, pulp, tooth pulp Introduction An adult human usually has 32 teeth. These are 4 front teeth (Incisivi), 2 canines (Canini), 4 premolars, 4 molars and 2 wisdom teeth per half of the jaw. Since the size of the human jaw is constantly decreasing, in most people the wisdom teeth are removed in early … Tooth Nerve

Pulp (tooth marrow)

Introduction The anatomy of the tooth essentially consists of three layers. In the crown area the outermost layer is the enamel, the hardest substance of the body. This is followed by the dentin or dentin bone and inside is the pulp. The root of the tooth is the outermost layer and surrounds a third hard … Pulp (tooth marrow)

Tooth Marrow Inflammation | Pulp (tooth marrow)

Tooth Marrow Inflammation Pulpitis (tooth pulp inflammation) is a disease characterized by the occurrence of inflammatory processes within the tooth pulp. The main reasons for the development of pulpitis are mechanical, thermal and chemical irritations. Metabolic products of bacteria, deep carious defects and/or cracks in the tooth structure can also lead to pulpitis. In the … Tooth Marrow Inflammation | Pulp (tooth marrow)

Therapy | Pulp (tooth marrow)

Therapy If there is a small local inflammation of the crown pulp (tooth marrow), an insert with a paste containing cortisone can in some cases lead to healing. If only the crown pulp is inflamed, it is removed under anesthesia as sterile as possible and the stump is kept alive by covering it with suitable … Therapy | Pulp (tooth marrow)