Symptoms of caries

Introduction The symptoms of caries always depend on the stage of the disease. The preliminary stage of “real caries” is decalcification processes in which minerals are released from the tooth enamel. These decalcifications can be recognized as small white spots, so-called “white spots” on the tooth surface. In some cases, even at this stage, dark … Symptoms of caries

How useful is periodontal prophylaxis? | Prophylaxis of periodontosis

How useful is periodontal prophylaxis? Often periodontitis cannot be avoided despite normal oral hygiene. Therefore, intensified hygiene through supportive periodontal prophylaxis is a recommended measure for effective prevention of this disease. Although normal tooth brushing leads to the removal of a large part of the plaque, a complete removal is not achieved. These plaques then … How useful is periodontal prophylaxis? | Prophylaxis of periodontosis

How often should one have prophylaxis? | Prophylaxis of periodontosis

How often should one have prophylaxis? The interval of prophylaxis should be determined at best with your dentist, as it varies individually. Factors that play a role include the risk of periodontitis and the periodontal status of the patient. A person with healthy gums is recommended one treatment per year. However, if the risk of … How often should one have prophylaxis? | Prophylaxis of periodontosis

Prophylaxis of periodontosis

Synonyms Periodontitis Prophylaxis Introduction The disease colloquially known as periodontosis is an inflammation of one or more structures of the periodontium. For this reason, the term periodontal disease is incorrect from a dental point of view, the technically correct term is periodontitis. Inflammatory processes in the area of the periodontium, which includes the gums (lat. … Prophylaxis of periodontosis

Side effects of bisphosphonates

Introduction Synonym: Diphosphonates Bisphosphonates are chemical compounds that have two phosphate groups and are used as a medicine to be taken in tablet form or as an infusion solution. In everyday clinical practice, bisphosphonates are currently the most frequently prescribed drugs for the treatment of osteoporotic bone changes. In addition to this classic indication area, … Side effects of bisphosphonates

Procedure of a professional dental cleaning

Introduction A so-called professional tooth cleaning (short: PZR) is one of the standard measures in the treatment process of various diseases of the periodontium. In addition, professional tooth cleaning can also be used for the prevention (prophylaxis) of gum inflammation or periodontitis. Professional teeth cleaning is primarily used to remove soft (plaque) and hard (tartar) … Procedure of a professional dental cleaning

How long does a PZR last? | Procedure of a professional dental cleaning

How long does a PZR last? The duration of professional dental cleaning (PZR) depends on the number of teeth to be treated and the individual oral situation of the patient (type and amount of plaque, inflamed gum pockets, etc.). The selection of the required instruments depends on this. As a rule, treatment for adults takes … How long does a PZR last? | Procedure of a professional dental cleaning

Oral Hygiene

Synonyms Dental Care Introduction The health and condition of the teeth and the periodontium influence the well-being in a decisive way. Carious defects of the tooth substance and inflammatory processes in the area of the gums, the dental nerves or the jawbone can have negative effects on the whole organism. The human heart in particular … Oral Hygiene