Amputation of the thigh | Amputation

Amputation of the thigh Amputations from the thigh downwards become necessary either after serious accidents or in the case of a pronounced circulatory disorder. In the latter case, an amputation from the thigh is only performed if the blood supply to the deeper parts of the leg is no longer sufficient and cannot be restored … Amputation of the thigh | Amputation

Gollop-Wolfgang Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Gollop-Wolfgang syndrome is a complex of malformations characterized by symptoms such as tibial aplasia or the characteristic split hand. The syndrome probably has a hereditary basis. Treatment options include orthopedic, reconstructive, and prosthetic steps. What is Gollop-Wolfgang syndrome? Gollop-Wolfgang syndrome is one of the congenital malformations of the extremities. The complex of symptoms was first … Gollop-Wolfgang Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Osteomyelitis (Bone Marrow Inflammation): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Osteomyelitis (bone marrow inflammation) is a disease of the bone caused by bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus. The focus of inflammation is in the bone marrow and spreads to the various bone layers as the disease progresses. A distinction is made between endogenous and exogenous osteomyelitis, which can occur in both an acute and chronic … Osteomyelitis (Bone Marrow Inflammation): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Reasons for amputation

Introduction An amputation, i.e. the removal of a limb, can have many different causes. A distinction is made between an amputation injury, e.g. in an accident, and an amputation that becomes necessary due to another illness. The causes of an amputation are varied, as are the amputation sites. If the lower leg has to be … Reasons for amputation

Amputation heights

The rigid determination of the amputation height by so-called amputation schemes with division into valuable, dispensable and obstructive limb sections, which was carried out in the past, is now outdated and must be rejected. With the various amputation heights and forms, the extent to which the residual limb is able to bear weight and suitable … Amputation heights

Soft tissue injuries

A soft tissue injury is an injury caused by the use of force. Soft tissues include tissues that protect the bone and surrounding tissue, such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, subcutaneous tissue, fatty tissue, including vascular and nerve tissue. Statistically, injuries to the Achilles tendon, patellar tendon or biceps tendon are the most common. Soft-tissue … Soft tissue injuries

Cause | Soft tissue injuries

Cause Soft-tissue injuries are often caused by falls, direct or indirect violence. Soft tissue injuries often occur in sports injuries as well. Serious soft tissue injuries can occur in traffic accidents or falls from great heights. Diagnostics During diagnostics, a thorough examination (inspection) of the wound is important so that nothing is overlooked. Attention should … Cause | Soft tissue injuries

Amputation technique

With the amputation technique, a distinction must be made between whether the amputation wound is closed immediately or only at a second operation. This is referred to as a closed or open operation. The open, so-called two-stage amputation, gained its importance especially in cases of war and catastrophe and can be associated with considerable disadvantages … Amputation technique

Toe amputation

Introduction Toe amputation is the surgical removal of one or more toes. If the tissue is so damaged by a disease or injury that there is no longer any chance of the toe being able to heal, a toe amputation is recommended. Otherwise, the toe may rot and become inflamed, so that in the worst … Toe amputation