Duration until you are allowed to do like sports | Duration of a wisdom tooth surgery

Duration until you are allowed to do like sports

The general rule for abstaining from sports activities goes hand in hand with pulling the strings. After seven to ten days the stitches of the extraction wound are removed. Provided the dentist has declared the wound closure to be complete, the practice of sports is now also indicated again. At the beginning, however, you should start slowly so as not to overexert the body after a break. If the wound is closed properly and without complications, however, sports can be practiced again after two weeks without any problems.

Duration until you can drink milk again

Avoidance of dairy products due to the risk of infection with lactic acid bacteria should be observed after wisdom tooth surgery to avoid complications in wound healing. In general, it should be completely avoided for two to three days. After the third day the wound is already too granulated and the lactic acid bacteria can no longer penetrate the gap.

Duration of the healing process

Wisdom tooth surgery is a routine procedure nowadays, but the body still needs to recover and initiate the healing process. The duration of the healing process is influenced by several factors. The general state of health, systemic diseases, alcohol and drug consumption, especially smoking, and also age are only some of the aspects that can impair wound healing and thus prolong and complicate wound closure.

Patients with a weakened immune system or diabetes mellitus belong to the risk group which is more likely to develop complications and whose healing time is longer than that of healthy patients. In general, wound closure after wisdom tooth surgery is usually accompanied by suture removal. After seven to ten days the stitches are removed and the wound is closed superficially.

However, it takes three to six months until the tooth socket is completely ossified again. Only then is complete healing achieved. In the event of complications, these periods of time are postponed until complete regeneration has been achieved.

Jaw clamp after wisdom tooth surgery

In the majority of cases, a jaw clamp after wisdom tooth surgery is caused by the traumatising puncture of the anaesthetic syringe into a masticatory muscle. The pterygoid medialis muscle bleeds from the injection and a hematoma with swelling is formed. This limits the opening of the mouth.

Comparable to a “bruise” on other parts of the body, it takes one to two weeks until this and the swelling disappears completely, as does the jaw clamp. The patient can, however, try to further expand the maximum mouth opening and train the mouth opening by specific repetitions. This allows the jaw clamp to subside more quickly.

How long do you stay on sick leave after the wisdom tooth surgery?

The duration of sick leave generally depends on the ability to regenerate and the speed of wound healing. Young, fit patients are rehabilitated more quickly than older patients who may still have general diseases that negatively affect wound healing, such as diabetes mellitus. The practitioner weighs up how long he or she will be on sick leave.

The rule is three to seven days of sick leave, often until the stitches are removed. The patient often comes for daily aftercare in order to control wound healing and to be able to counteract possible complications quickly with therapy. If complications occur, the sick leave can last considerably longer.

In this case, a two-week sick leave is not uncommon. For school-age children, it is therefore recommended to have such an operation performed during the school holidays.