Anabolic steroids

Definition Anabolic steroids or also anabolic steroids are the most frequently detected substances in doping controls. Since 1993, the anabolic substances have been divided into two subgroups. – anabolic, androgenic steroids (see below) Beta-2 agonists The anabolic steroids or also called anabolic steroids are artificially produced active ingredients that are very similar in their structure … Anabolic steroids

Side effects | Anabolic steroids

Side effects Anabolic steroids are taken by many strength athletes, but few are fully aware of their side effects. Taking this drug is by no means without danger, but potentially life-threatening. The side effects are divided into different groups. A distinction is made between hormonal side effects, metabolic changes, skin side effects, cardiovascular diseases, neuropsychiatric … Side effects | Anabolic steroids

Use for muscle building | Anabolic steroids

Use for muscle building Almost everyone has stumbled across the term anabolic steroids in connection with muscle building or bodybuilding. They are currently unsurpassed as a doping preparation for muscle building and are therefore the first choice despite their huge range of side effects. Anabolic steroids belong to the fat-soluble hormones. They are therefore able … Use for muscle building | Anabolic steroids

Proof | Anabolic steroids

Proof The detection of anabolic steroids is difficult despite the most modern medical technology. Due to metabolic processes, anabolic steroids can only be detected in urine days to weeks after ingestion, depending on the type of medication. For this reason doping tests are not only carried out immediately after the competition, but also as unannounced … Proof | Anabolic steroids