Application | Epidural anaesthesia

Application The epidural anaesthesia or the epidural catheter can be used for all procedures where a targeted elimination of pain in a specific region of the body is desired. Depending on the height of the intervention site, the pain catheter can be placed in different areas of the spine. The best known is the use … Application | Epidural anaesthesia

Advantages | Epidural anaesthesia

Advantages The advantages are simply that the patient is free of pain. Even after an operation, the pain can be eliminated, the patient is thus faster on his legs and rehabilitation can be achieved more quickly. Gentle behaviour or a relieving posture in the affected body part is avoided, which means that normal function can … Advantages | Epidural anaesthesia

Virilization: Causes, Treatment & Help

Virilization refers to the tendency to masculinization in women as a clinical picture requiring treatment. Different gradations and degrees of severity are possible, but always there is a pathological expression of secondary male sexual characteristics due to hormonal imbalances. Virilization can be accompanied by a permanent restriction of the quality of life for those affected … Virilization: Causes, Treatment & Help


body shaping, body modelling, weight training, strength training, muscle building, English: bodybuilding Definition As the name Bodybuilding implies, this is a form of body modelling through specific training methods for muscle building and strict control of food intake. The primary goal is not to increase strength, but to build muscle mass and define muscle mass … Bodybuilding

Forced Reps | Bodybuilding

Forced Reps With this method, the muscle is trained through approx. 5 repetitions until it is completely exhausted with overcoming (concentric) work. This is followed by 2-3 repetitions with the help of a partner. This partner helps to a degree that the movement can just about be carried out. The method of forced reps is … Forced Reps | Bodybuilding

Symptoms | Lumps in the breast in men

Symptoms Lumps in the breast are usually noticed by the man by chance and not during a regular self-examination. Sometimes large findings are to be expected here, which are already visible on external examination. Occasionally also pain leads to a detailed examination of the breast, whereby newly developed space demands are discovered. Warning signs include … Symptoms | Lumps in the breast in men

Which doctor is responsible? | Lumps in the breast in men

Which doctor is responsible? When a mass in the female breast is rediscovered, it is usually easy to decide which doctor to consult. The gynaecologist is certainly the right person to contact when it comes to diagnosis, consultation and treatment. The situation is different for a lump in the male breast. As explained in the … Which doctor is responsible? | Lumps in the breast in men

Muscle building and nutrition

Synonyms in a broader sense Muscle building, strength training, bodybuilding, supplements, doping, anabolic steroids, steroidsThe goal of having a fit body with powerful muscles is pursued by many people around the world. A well-trained musculature makes the body more attractive, more vital and healthier and increases the quality of life and self-esteem. In addition to … Muscle building and nutrition