Social Identity: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Identity in the sense of social identity arises from social categorization processes. People see themselves as human beings, as part of certain groups, and as individuals. People associate group membership with certain values that contribute to their self-worth. What is identity? Identity in the sense of social identity arises from social categorization processes. People see … Social Identity: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Narcissism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Narcissistic personality disorder, or narcissism, is one of the mental disorders associated with a particularly strong and non-adaptive personality. The narcissist appears very self-absorbed, but in fact has a very low self-esteem and is always looking for recognition. What is narcissism? The personality disorder was named after the legend of Narcissus, who is so in … Narcissism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Homeopathics for diarrhea

Depending on the clinical picture, the body loses considerable amounts of fluid through vomiting and diarrhoea, which can lead to life-threatening circulatory problems. For this reason, self-treatment is generally not advisable in cases of severe and prolonged diarrhoea, especially if vomiting is also present. Diarrhea as a result of spoiled food Characteristic is the great … Homeopathics for diarrhea

Diarrhea after eating too much and too fat-rich food | Homeopathics for diarrhea

Diarrhea after eating too much and too fat-rich food Irritable, overworked city dwellers who are used to the abuse of stimulants. Hectic life, too much food and drink. Troubled sleep, tired and sleepless in the morning. Loss of appetite and ravenous appetite alternate, feeling of fullness immediately after eating, tendency to vomit, flatulence, diarrhoea. In … Diarrhea after eating too much and too fat-rich food | Homeopathics for diarrhea

Diarrhea and digestive problems as a result of anger, rage, insult and grief | Homeopathics for diarrhea

Diarrhea and digestive problems as a result of anger, rage, insult and grief Especially if the diarrhea is accompanied by abdominal cramps, which get better by squeezing or pressure on the body. The patient is irritated, angry, shows little patience, is quickly offended. Experience shows that all these states of mind affect the stomach and … Diarrhea and digestive problems as a result of anger, rage, insult and grief | Homeopathics for diarrhea

Self-instructional Training: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Self-instructional training takes into account the fact that people consciously or unconsciously engage in internal dialogues all the time. Self-talk of a demotivating, fearful and negative nature leads to corresponding emotions and behaviors. On the other hand, whoever succeeds in talking to themselves in a different, more encouraging, more motivating way internally through targeted self-instruction … Self-instructional Training: Treatment, Effects & Risks

The 10 Best Anger Killers

That we get angry from time to time is quite normal. Often it’s just little things that we get upset about. It’s not always really worth getting angry about. But unfortunately, anger and rage are emotions that are difficult to control and usually just burst out of us. Nevertheless, there are a few things you … The 10 Best Anger Killers

Why do we Blush When Embarrassed?

Blushing when embarrassed, ashamed, angry or happy is a natural reaction of our body. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for this. It controls all processes that are not subject to our will and that we therefore cannot consciously control. These include primarily the so-called vital functions such as breathing, circulation, metabolism and water balance. … Why do we Blush When Embarrassed?

The different phases of grief

Definition The term mourning describes a state of mind that occurs as a reaction to a distressing event. The distressing event is not further defined and can basically be understood differently by each person. Often losses of close persons, important relations or other blows of fate are reasons for grief for many humans. The definition … The different phases of grief