The 10 Best Anger Killers

That we get angry from time to time is quite normal. Often it’s just little things that we get upset about. It’s not always really worth getting angry about. But unfortunately, anger and rage are emotions that are difficult to control and usually just burst out of us. Nevertheless, there are a few things you can do to keep your anger in check. This is especially important for your health, because if you are constantly angry, you can expect rising blood lipid and sugar levels. With a few tips and tricks, however, you can remain more relaxed in the specific situation. We have compiled the 10 best anger killers for you.

1. breathe deeply

If you are just about to get terribly upset, you should first take a deep breath. This is a well-known trick – but it really helps. The best way is to use the 4-6-8 method: take a deep breath and count to 4, hold your breath and count to 6, and exhale and count to 8. Then repeat the exercise at least four more times. In addition to deep breathing, the famous “count to ten” is also recommended. Then the anger is usually not yet gone and the problem is not solved – but you avoid a short-circuit reaction, which you would probably regret later.

2. look from the outside

Even if it is difficult in the specific situation: try to step out of yourself for once and look at what happened from the outside: Is the situation really worth the trouble? Couldn’t there perhaps have been a misunderstanding? Or isn’t there a simple solution to the problem? By consciously trying to take a step back from yourself and your anger, you can answer such questions much more easily. Often it turns out that the matter is half as bad and not worth the trouble at all.

3. don’t make the trouble the center of attention.

Of course, you should not just swallow your anger – but do not put too much focus on it either. Because that’s how you keep making yourself aware of the situation and giving it more attention than it deserves. If necessary, get upset once – but then let it go. Yelling or slamming doors won’t help you get over your anger either. Instead, try to imagine anger as a cloud. You feel that it is there, but at the same time imagine that it is passing you by.

4. call friends

If you are so upset that you really need to get it off your chest, call a good friend. Get the anger off your chest – you’ll feel better afterwards. Also, friends are good for possibly putting the situation into perspective: Maybe you did overreact a bit and the situation wasn’t that bad? Either way, you’ll definitely feel better after talking to a trusted person.

5. cool off

If you’ve been really upset, you should do something to cool down. Exercise is usually the best way to get rid of anger and frustration quickly. Exercise reduces stress hormones and releases happiness hormones. So go for a walk around the block during your lunch break or take a jog in the evening to get the frustration off your chest. Zumba or squash are also ideal for working out in a short time.

6. meditate

If you get upset more often, you should practice meditating. Ten minutes of practice daily is enough to be able to calm your mind in seconds after some time, even if you are very upset. The following exercise is recommended for practice:

  • Take a comfortable posture and close your eyes.
  • Pay conscious attention to your breathing. Feel how the air flows in and out of your body.
  • Stay focused and try not to digress with your thoughts.

The next time you are in trouble, this exercise will help you calm down quickly!

7. set sharp stimulus

No matter how angry you are – usually the anger can be overlaid by another, stronger stimulus. We are familiar with this phenomenon from other areas of life: for example, in the case of a mosquito bite, the itching can be briefly displaced by the pain of scratching. To mask the annoyance, you can, for example, suck on a spicy ginger candy or bite into a chili.The advantage of the candy: you can inconspicuously always deposit a few of them in your handbag or desk drawer.

8. smile

Even if you are terribly upset right now – just try to smile once. This may sound funny, but it actually helps. Because of the connection between the brain and facial muscles, we not only smile when we feel good, but we also feel better when we smile. In addition, laughter ensures that stress is reduced, blood pressure is lowered and the immune system is strengthened. So smiling pays off in every way!

9. do not compare yourself

People often get angry just because they compare themselves with others: the colleague at work earns more, your neighbor drives a bigger car and your best friend has a particularly attractive girlfriend. It’s best to stop comparing yourself to others frequently! It is much more important that you analyze your own situation honestly: Are you only annoyed because others are supposedly doing better, or are you really dissatisfied with your current situation? If this is the case, you should roll up your sleeves and change something. However, if you are only annoyed by comparison, you should look more at yourself and be happy about what you have.

10.Think about a mantra.

Mantras help to put our mind in a balanced state and thus reduce anger more quickly or prevent it from arising in the first place. So think of a saying that can calm you down again even in extreme situations. If you are upset about something, you can recite this saying to yourself over and over again – this calms you down. Suitable sayings are, for example, “It’s not worth it, it’s not worth it…” or “I’m calm, I’m calm…”. Just create your own mantra, with which you can get rid of any anger again!