Exercises | Ankle joint instability

Exercises The exercises against instability in the ankle joint should be performed regularly. The emphasis is on proper and conscientious execution. It is not primarily a matter of building up strength, but rather a training of coordination. If an acute ligament injury has occurred, the exercises should only be started after approval by the doctor … Exercises | Ankle joint instability

Physiotherapy | Ankle joint instability

Physiotherapy In physiotherapy, exercises are performed together with the patients to improve the stability of the ankle joint. The therapy is always structured in such a way that the exercises begin simply and become increasingly difficult and can sometimes be supplemented by additional treatments. For example, the therapist can apply slight resistance to the patient’s … Physiotherapy | Ankle joint instability

Therapy | Pain in the ankle joint causes, symptoms, therapy

Therapy Depending on the cause of the pain in the ankle joint, the therapy options range from pain relief to immobilization to surgical treatment. 1) Ligament stretching: In the case of ligament stretching, taking light painkillers, cooling the joint and immobilization with an elastic support bandage is completely sufficient for a few days. 2) Torn … Therapy | Pain in the ankle joint causes, symptoms, therapy