
Products Ravulizumab was approved in the United States in 2018, in the EU in 2019, and in many countries in 2020 as a concentrate for the preparation of an infusion solution (Ultomiris). Structure and properties Ravulizumab is an IgG2/4K monoclonal antibody produced by biotechnological methods. Effects Ravulizumab (ATC L04AA43) binds to complement protein C5, inhibiting … Ravulizumab

When and how must be treated? | Lymph node swelling after root canal treatment

When and how must be treated? Root canal treatments in dentistry are associated with a comparatively high risk of infections affecting the bloodstream and involving various organs. For this reason, antibiotic prophylaxis can be administered in advance of treatment to nip any infections in the bud. If lymph node swelling occurs after root canal treatment, … When and how must be treated? | Lymph node swelling after root canal treatment