Immunoscintigraphy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Immunoscintigraphy is a radiological diagnostic procedure from the field of nuclear medicine. It involves the invasive application of so-called radioactively labeled antibodies via a patient’s vein, which then accumulate in sites of inflammation or tumor tissue. What is immune scintigraphy? Immunoscintigraphy invasively applies so-called radiolabeled antibodies through a patient’s vein, which then accumulate in sites … Immunoscintigraphy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Mandatory Vaccination: Treatment, Effects & Risks

One speaks of compulsory vaccination when a protective vaccination is prescribed by law as a preventive measure for humans and/or animals. Currently, there is no general vaccination obligation in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. What is compulsory vaccination? Nowadays there is no general vaccination obligation in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, but only vaccination recommendations. All vaccinations … Mandatory Vaccination: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Symptoms | Hashimoto Thyroiditis

Symptoms At the beginning of the disease one usually has no symptoms. At the beginning, however, hyperthyroidism (hyperthyroidism) can occur for a certain period of time (through the body’s attempt to counter-regulate itself), which has the following symptoms: Vegetative nervous system: cardiac arrhythmia, such as palpitations, high blood pressure, heat intolerance, sweating, hair loss, warm … Symptoms | Hashimoto Thyroiditis

Course of disease | Hashimoto Thyroiditis

Course of disease Experts are not yet in agreement as to whether the disease progresses in relapses. Some experts speak of relapses of Hashimoto thyreoidits when several criteria coincide: specific symptoms: Pressure or lump feeling in the throat Pulling pain, reddened, overheated skin in the area of the thyroid gland Flu feeling (especially having a … Course of disease | Hashimoto Thyroiditis

Therapy | Hashimoto Thyroiditis

Therapy Unfortunately, Hashimoto thyroiditis is currently still an incurable disease and is therefore not treated causally. In the absence of symptoms, the disease does not need to be treated. If, however, symptoms of hypothyroidism appear, treatment is provided with a creeping replacement of thyroid hormones. This is done by taking one tablet daily in the … Therapy | Hashimoto Thyroiditis

Major Histocompatibility Complex: Structure, Function & Diseases

The major histocompatibility complex represents a complex of genes that produce immune proteins. These proteins are responsible for immune recognition and immunological individuality. They also play a major role in tissue compatibility in organ transplantation. What is the major histocompatibility complex? Major histocompatibility complexes are formed in all vertebrates. They are responsible for immune defense … Major Histocompatibility Complex: Structure, Function & Diseases

Atacicept: Effects, Uses & Risks

Atacicept is mainly used to treat autoimmune diseases. For example, to cure rheumatoid arthritis or multiple sclerosis. However, some aspects of effect and side effect are still unclear. What is atacicept? Atacicept is mainly used to treat autoimmune diseases. For example, to cure rheumatoid arthritis or multiple sclerosis. Atacicept represents a relatively new active ingredient. … Atacicept: Effects, Uses & Risks

Tropical Medicine: Treatment, Effects & Risks

The tropical habitat is home to approximately 40% of the world’s population. Tropical medicine deals with tropical infectious diseases and other health problems in the tropics. It thus serves the inhabitants of tropical habitats and travelers passing through these areas. Malaria is probably the best known tropical disease. Chagas disease and dengue fever are other … Tropical Medicine: Treatment, Effects & Risks


Introduction Humira is the trade name for the biological Adalimumab, which is used for the treatment of for example rheumatoid arthritis and other rheumatic diseases, psoriasis and chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases. It is injected under the abdominal skin every two weeks. Remarkable is beside its various application also its price: One application costs approx. 1000€. … Humira

Interactions | Humira

Interactions Humira is often used in combination with cortisone, with methotrexate, which is also an immune-inhibiting drug, or in combination with other specified drugs with similar effects. An exception are the active substances Etanacept, Abatacept and Anakinra, among which in combination with Humira among other things heavy infections and increased side effects could be proven. … Interactions | Humira