
Symptoms Fatigue is a physiological and subjective response of the organism to mental and physical exertion. It is undesirable when it occurs rapidly, frequently, and excessively. Fatigue manifests itself, among other things, in a lack of energy, exhaustion, weakness, listlessness, and reduced performance and motivation. It can also be accompanied by irritability. Fatigue occurs acutely … Fatigue

Itchy Eyes: Causes, Treatment & Help

Itchy, burning eyes are an expression of redness of the eyelid or conjunctiva, and the condition can be acute or chronic, causing sufferers to have sticky eyelids upon awakening. What are itchy eyes? Itchy eyes cause a burning, uncomfortable sensation; usually, itchy eyes are accompanied by many other symptoms, including foreign body dryness or a … Itchy Eyes: Causes, Treatment & Help

Itchy Scalp: Causes, Treatment & Help

Itchy scalp is very unpleasant for those affected. The reasons for this can be many and depending on the cause, it is a temporary or chronic phenomenon. What is itchy scalp? An itchy scalp is one of extremely annoying symptoms. It affects the quality of life and causes concern for many sufferers. An itchy scalp … Itchy Scalp: Causes, Treatment & Help


Product Cyclizine has been discontinued in many countries since 2008. Marzine is no longer available. Possible alternatives include the antihistamines dimenhydrinate or meclozine. Structure and properties Cyclizine (C18H22N2, Mr = 266.38 g/mol) is a piperazine derivative. In the drug, it is present as cyclizine hydrochloride. Effects Cyclizine (ATC R06AE03) has antihistamine, antiemetic, antivertiginous, and sedative … Cyclizine

Off-Label Use

Definition In drug therapy, “off-label use” refers to deviations from the officially approved specifications in the drug information leaflet of approved drugs that are ready for use. Frequently, this concerns the areas of application (indications). However, other changes also fall under the definition, for example with regard to the dose, duration of therapy, patient groups, … Off-Label Use

Antazoline: Antihistamine

Products Antazoline is fixed combination with tetryzoline in the form of eye drops commercially available (Spersallerg, Spersallerg SDU). It has been approved in many countries since 1967. Structure and properties Antazoline (C17H19N3, Mr = 265.35 g/mol) is present in drugs as antazoline hydrochloride, a white crystalline powder that is sparingly soluble in water. It is … Antazoline: Antihistamine


Products Anti-allergy medications are available in numerous dosage forms. These include tablets, capsules, solutions, suspensions, nasal sprays, eye drops, inhalation preparations, and injectables. Structure and properties Antiallergic drugs do not have a uniform chemical structure. However, several groups within the class can be identified (see below). Effects Antiallergic drugs have antiallergic, antiinflammatory, immunosuppressive, antihistamine, and … Antiallergics


Products In many countries, drugs containing promethazine are currently no longer on the market. The last product to be withdrawn from the market was Rhinathiol promethazine with the expectorant carbocisteine on January 31, 2009. However, medicines are still available in many countries. The original drug is Phenergan. Promethazine was developed in the 1940s at Rhône-Poulenc, … Promethazine


Products Sedatives are commercially available in the form of tablets, melting tablets, drops, as injectables and tinctures, among others. Structure and properties Sedatives do not have a uniform chemical structure. Effects The active ingredients have sedative properties. Some are additionally antianxiety, sleep-inducing, antipsychotic, antidepressant, and anticonvulsant. The effects are due to promotion of inhibitory mechanisms … Sedative


Products There are currently no drugs containing carbinoxamine on the market in many countries. The active ingredient was previously contained in Rhinotussal capsules and Rhinotussal juice, among other products. Structure and properties Carbinoxamine (C16H19ClN2O, Mr = 290.8 g/mol) is present in drugs as carbinoxamine maleate, a white crystalline powder that is readily soluble in water. … Carbinoxamine

Mouth Rot

Symptoms Oral thrush, or primary gingivostomatitis herpetica, occurs primarily in children between 6 months and 5 years of age and in young adults around 20 years of age and may also affect older adults. It manifests itself in the following symptoms, among others: Swollen cervical lymph nodes, aphthoid lesions and ulcerations in the mouth and … Mouth Rot