Therapy of spinal canal stenosis

Conservative therapy The therapy of spinal stenosis is usually conservative. In cases of severe nerve damage, uncontrollable, disabling pain and circumscribed disease findings, surgical therapy measures for spinal canal stenosis can help. Since there is no causal therapy for an advanced degenerative spinal disease, pain and physiotherapy is the main focus of treatment. This includes: … Therapy of spinal canal stenosis

Physiotherapy | Therapy of spinal canal stenosis

Physiotherapy Physiotherapy can help reduce pain in patients with spinal stenosis. In the best case, back-friendly movement is promoted and efficient strengthening of the trunk muscles (back and abdominal muscles) is achieved. Often the affected patients suffer from severe limitations and pain. For a successful physiotherapy, additional pain therapy is therefore often necessary. Additional passive … Physiotherapy | Therapy of spinal canal stenosis

Exercises | Therapy of spinal canal stenosis

Exercises If pain occurs during the exercises, or if an uncomfortable or unsafe feeling develops, the exercises should be interrupted and other exercise advice should be sought from the treating physician or physiotherapist. During this exercise it is important that the back and also the neck remain in a straight line with the head. The … Exercises | Therapy of spinal canal stenosis