Whey Protein

Products Whey protein is available in retail and specialty stores from various suppliers as powder without flavor or with different flavors. The German term is actually whey protein or whey protein. However, the English term has prevailed and is more common. Structure and properties “Whey protein” is the protein contained in whey. Whey is produced … Whey Protein


Products BCAA are commercially available as dietary supplements in the form of capsules and powder, among others. Structure and properties BCAA stands for Branched-Chain Amino Acids, which are the branched-chain amino acids. These are: Isoleucine Leucine Valine The BCAA are aliphatic and hydrophobic and belong to the essential amino acids, which means that they are … BCAA

Proteins Functions

As already mentioned, proteins consist of numerous amino acids, which are linked together to form a long chain according to the peptide principle. They are taken in through nutrition and are broken down in the gastrointestinal tract into smaller chains, so-called amino acids – two or amino acids – three chains. These smaller amino acid … Proteins Functions

The intake of creatine

Introduction Creatine is a non-essential organic acid that is produced in limited quantities in the liver and kidneys from three amino acids. In addition, creatine can be ingested through the dietary intake of meat and fish or pure creatine as a dietary supplement. Creatine is elementary for the energy production of skeletal muscles and, with … The intake of creatine

In what form can or should creatine be taken? | The intake of creatine

In what form can or should creatine be taken? The supplement (food supplement) creatine is available in many different forms, for example as creatine powder, creatine capsules or tablets. Whichever form you choose is irrelevant to its effectiveness. What you should pay attention to, however, is the composition of the preparation. The purer the preparation … In what form can or should creatine be taken? | The intake of creatine

Summary | The intake of creatine

Summary Creatine is one of the most popular supplements among athletes to improve performance and muscle building. For this purpose, athletes should take 3-5 grams of creatine daily – the form of presentation and the time of intake are irrelevant. Side effects usually only occur in cases of overdose or previous illnesses and are manageable. … Summary | The intake of creatine


Ribose is a sugar component of ribonucleic acid. One finds ribose in the nucleotides. These are molecules that are contained as the smallest components of the nucleic acid and, when combined, represent the smallest unit of information that enables the coding of the genetic code in DNA and RNA. The human body can synthesize ribose … Ribose

Ribose and muscle building | Ribose

Ribose and muscle building Immediately after its discovery as a supplement in sports nutrition, ribose was put on a par with the better known creatine. However, there are fewer research results on Ribose, which prove a positive effect on muscle building. The opinions among the experts are therefore still far apart. Moreover, Ribose is not … Ribose and muscle building | Ribose

Side effect | Ribose

Side effect With the side effects it depends mostly on the dosage of the Ribose. Side effects usually only occur in case of an overdose, because otherwise ribose is a natural nutrient in our daily food and the body knows this substance. Taking ten or more grams of ribose on an empty stomach can cause … Side effect | Ribose

Ribulose | Ribose

Ribulose Ribulose is a so-called derivative of ribose, the two should not be confused with each other. Ribulose has the same molecular formula and therefore the same number of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms as ribose, but they have a different composition and therefore give the two substances completely different chemical properties. Ribulose is also … Ribulose | Ribose

Importance of pentose-5-phosphate | Ribose

Importance of pentose-5-phosphate Pentose 5-phosphate plays a major role in the production of nucleotides, coenzymes and amino acids. Nucleotides are the basic building blocks of our genetic material, i.e. the DNA (carrier of our genetic code) and RNA (“building instructions” for various proteins etc.). Chemically speaking, a nucleotide consists of a phosphate part, sugar part … Importance of pentose-5-phosphate | Ribose