Hirsutism: Measures and Treatment

Hirsutism is often associated with enormous suffering for affected women, because the excessive body hair and the other signs of masculinization often lead to women feeling themselves as unattractive or being ostracized by others. However, treatment of hirsutism is possible. You can find out how the therapy is done here. Measures against the effects – … Hirsutism: Measures and Treatment

Circular hair loss

Circular hair loss is also called Alopecia areata. This disease causes sharply defined, round, bald spots on the hairy scalp. The beard hair or other hairy parts of the body can also be affected. These areas can increase over time or occur more frequently. Both sexes can be affected both in childhood and adulthood. Circular … Circular hair loss

Symptoms | Circular hair loss

Symptoms Circular hair loss causes hair to fall out in places, forming sharply defined, bald, oval or round spots on the otherwise hairy skin. All parts of the body with hair growth can be affected. Most frequently affected is the hair on the head, followed by beard hair (in men) and finally other body hair.At … Symptoms | Circular hair loss

Prognosis | Circular hair loss

Prognosis In general, people with a milder form of circular hair loss and a shorter course of disease have better chances of recovery than people with severe hair loss and a long history of disease. However, the classic, non-healing, circular hair loss has a very variable prognosis overall. In many cases, the hair loss heals … Prognosis | Circular hair loss

Stop hair growth

Introduction Depending on predisposition, skin type and origin, as well as the hormone status of the human being, both men and women tend differently to hair growth in different parts of the body. The desire to stop hair growth is mainly a desire of women when it comes to body parts such as the face, … Stop hair growth

Laser of the moustache

The development of a moustache is often experienced by affected women as very unpleasant, disturbing or even disfiguring. In most cases, the lady’s beard only occurs in the area above the upper lip, but it can also develop on the chin or cheeks. To remove the annoying hairs on the face, many women carry out … Laser of the moustache

Facial hair

A moustache is an increased amount of hair that appears in the area of a woman’s upper lips or cheeks. A trigger for increased hair growth in this area can, in addition to a genetic predisposition, also be a disturbance of hormonal regulation. The extent of hair growth can vary. About 20% of all women … Facial hair

Is it possible to remove a moustache permanently ? | Facial hair

Is it possible to remove a moustache permanently ? Before considering how to remove a woman’s beard, the cause of the beard should be clarified so that malignant diseases such as tumours and hormonal disorders can be successfully treated. Within the scope of the therapy, the hair should then also decrease again. If the cause … Is it possible to remove a moustache permanently ? | Facial hair

Whitening of the moustache

About 20% of all women suffer from increased hair on the upper lip and cheeks. Since a woman’s beard is not only a cosmetic blemish, but can also lead to a strong feeling of discomfort and psychological stress for many affected women, there are many different methods available for the removal of the annoying hair. … Whitening of the moustache