Duration | Swelling of the breast


The duration of breast swelling depends on the underlying cause and the therapeutic measures taken. Swelling due to hormonal fluctuations, as is the case with mastopathy, can be present for years, with or without interruption. Even benign tumors often accompany people for many years if they do not need to be removed.

Inflammations, on the other hand, such as mastitis, are treated quickly and should heal within a few weeks. During the breastfeeding period, which lasts several months, a slight swelling of the breast is quite natural. This will normalize by itself after the breastfeeding period over several months.

Unilateral swelling of the breast

One-sided swelling can have various causes, which can be distinguished from each other by the accompanying symptoms and other factors. Both inflammatory and non-inflammatory swellings very often affect only one breast. Examples are inflammation of the breast, mastopathy, injuries, benign and malignant tumors of the breast and abscesses. In fact, a bilateral occurrence of these diseases or conditions is rather unlikely. In the case of bilateral breast swelling, other causes than the ones just mentioned should usually be considered.

Breast swelling before period

Swelling and a feeling of tension in the breast immediately before the period is a well-known problem for many women. The breast feels sensitive and pain is not uncommon. The cause is quite simple: hormones.

The female cycle is characterized by hormonal increases in the body, which serve important functions of female sexuality and reproductive ability. Immediately before the period, the estrogen level is elevated. This affects the breast and can cause a slight swelling and typical premenstrual pain, similar to hormonal contraceptives.

This is not the case in every woman, but many women report such cycle-related complaints. In some cases, hormonal contraceptives, although this may sound contradictory, can help by stabilizing the cycle against the symptoms. Often, however, it is sufficient to cool the breasts a little and thus relieve the symptoms.