Homeopathy for gastrointestinal diseases

Homeopathic medicines The following homeopathic remedies can help with stomach aches, bloating, flatulence, belching and heartburn: Asa foetida (Stinkasant) Nux moschata (nutmeg) Robinia pseudacacia (Acacia) Antimonium crudum (Black spiky luster) Ignatia (Ignata bean) Nux vomica (Nux vomica) Sodium phosphoricum Iris versicolor (Multicolored Iris) Asa foetida (Stinkasant) Especially drops D4 are used. For further information about … Homeopathy for gastrointestinal diseases

Ignatia (Ignata bean) | Homeopathy for gastrointestinal diseases

Ignatia (Ignata bean) Prescription only up to and including D3! Especially drops D12 are used. For further information about Ignatia (Ignata bean) please refer to our topic: Ignatia “Everything hits the stomach”! Mood swings, irritable weakness, self-reproach, tearfulness Characteristic is a globe feeling, as if the bite is stuck in the throat or in front … Ignatia (Ignata bean) | Homeopathy for gastrointestinal diseases

Iris versicolor (Multicolored Iris) | Homeopathy for gastrointestinal diseases

Iris versicolor (Multicolored Iris) Tablets D6 in particular are used. For further information about iris versicolor (Iris versicolor) please see our topic: Iris versicolor Heartburn with heavy salivation Vomiting with acid, thick and thready mucus Often associated with migraine-like headache, often occurring at the weekend (Sunday migraine) Cramp-like abdominal pain in the upper abdomen and … Iris versicolor (Multicolored Iris) | Homeopathy for gastrointestinal diseases

Belching: Causes, Treatment & Help

Burping or colloquially also burping (Röbsen, Röpsen, Burpsen, Rölbsen, lat. Ructus, engl. eructation) refers to the bringing up of air from the digestive tract or the respiratory organs. The main source of burping is the esophagus and the stomach. The air then finally escapes through the mouth and is usually accompanied by a noise with … Belching: Causes, Treatment & Help

Coffee: Intolerance & Allergy

Some people only drink a cup of coffee (even café) from time to time, others can not do without their daily mocha or espresso. For some it excites, for others it upsets. Contradictory opinions prevail about the effect and compatibility of the fragrant brew. The objections are as old as coffee is known in Europe. … Coffee: Intolerance & Allergy


Introduction Omep® is a highly effective drug for the treatment of diseases caused by acid gastric acid. These include inflammation of the esophagus and the common heartburn. The active ingredient contained in Omep® is omeprazole. Omep® is a drug in the group of proton pump inhibitors (proton pump inhibitor=PPI). So if you burp acidly or … Omep®