
Synonyms in a broader sense Atropa belladonna Other termf Belladonna Use of Belladonna for the following diseases Belladonna is very often used in homeopathy. Belladonna can also be used in homeopathic treatment for vitreous detachment. However, this should be clarified with the ophthalmologist beforehand. Inflammation of the skin caused by bacteria (erysipelas). Please also note … Belladonna

What is Atropine Used For?

The ladies of the Baroque period used atropine to become more attractive to men. They dripped it into their eyes, which caused their pupils to dilate. Dark eyes were considered desirable at that time. From this can be derived the Latin name of the plant from which atropine is obtained: Atropa belladonna, deadly nightshade. Atropa … What is Atropine Used For?