Hormone Patch: Effect, Uses & Risks

Hormone patches represent a hormone replacement therapy that can be self-applied by the patient and used for prolonged hormonal imbalances, contraception, or to treat menopause when numerous symptoms are present. The short-term efficacy of hormone patches has not been disputed to date. However, in long-term use as a contraceptive and menopausal therapeutic, hormone patches are … Hormone Patch: Effect, Uses & Risks

Hormone IUD: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Meanwhile, the most diverse possibilities exist to avoid pregnancy. The hormonal IUD is gaining more and more popularity. Although it is considered a very reliable contraceptive method, it also carries risks. What is the hormonal IUD? Because of its curved shape, the hormonal IUD resembles a T. It is inserted into the uterus like any … Hormone IUD: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Who Invented the Birth Control Pill?

In earlier times, women had few options to prevent pregnancy. It was not until 1960 that the first “pill” to be taken was available. The prerequisite for the development of the pill was the discovery that the female body is subject to regular cyclical changes, which is controlled by many hormones. History of the pill … Who Invented the Birth Control Pill?

Morning-after Pill: Effects, Uses & Risks

Pregnancy can also be prevented when it is actually already too late – with the morning-after pill. However, it is important to act quickly. The sooner it is taken after unprotected sexual intercourse, the higher the degree of effectiveness. What is the “morning-after pill”? The morning-after pill is a hormone preparation. One or two tablets … Morning-after Pill: Effects, Uses & Risks

Spotting: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Spotting, which is often also associated with intermenstrual bleeding, can occur in addition to normal period bleeding, during pregnancy, or during or after menopause. The causes can be varied. Therefore, they should always be clarified by a doctor. What is spotting? Spotting is unscheduled bleeding that can occur in addition to menstruation. It is usually … Spotting: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hair Loss after Pregnancy

Not only during pregnancy the body changes. Women can also experience many a “surprise” afterwards. Numerous women suffer from increased hair loss after pregnancy. The reason for this is the hormonal change after childbirth. Feathering after childbirth – no reason to panic. In the course of pregnancy, a woman can be happy not only about … Hair Loss after Pregnancy

Hyperandrogenemia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hyperandrogenemia describes a dysfunction of the ovaries and/or adrenal glands, which can be triggered by various causes and occurs in different forms. The condition results from excessive secretion of male sex hormones (androgens). Without treatment, hyperandrogenemia often results in infertility and a resulting unfulfilled desire to have children. What is hyperandrogenemia? Hyperandrogenemia is an excess … Hyperandrogenemia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hormone Therapy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Hormone therapy or hormone treatment can be used to supplement or replace the body’s own hormones. Hormone therapy is used in various areas of medicine. Depending on various factors, hormone therapy carries risks that can be controlled. What is hormone therapy? Hormone therapy is a medical treatment procedure that involves the use of various hormones … Hormone Therapy: Treatment, Effects & Risks