What does it mean when the birthmark is reddened? | Inflammation of a birthmark

What does it mean when the birthmark is reddened? A reddened birthmark can also indicate an inflammation. Here, too, changes in the birthmark must be taken into consideration. How do I distinguish an inflamed mole from a pimple? A birthmark is usually colored. There are different colors of a birthmark, usually they are brown. A … What does it mean when the birthmark is reddened? | Inflammation of a birthmark

What should you do if the birthmark is festering? | Inflammation of a birthmark

What should you do if the birthmark is festering? Also the suppurating birthmark is usually an expression of an inflamed birthmark. The pus consists of white blood cells that eliminate the germs in the wound. It is important that under no circumstances should the birthmark be manipulated. This means that no attempt should be made … What should you do if the birthmark is festering? | Inflammation of a birthmark

Summary | Inflammation of a birthmark

Summary Inflammation of moles can have different causes. On the one hand, pathogens, for example skin germs, can enter the inside of the birthmark through the smallest cracks and wounds, which may be caused by scratching, and cause an inflammation there. In general, such an inflammation manifests itself through swelling and reddening of the birthmark, … Summary | Inflammation of a birthmark

Comedones: Blackheads

Comedones (Latin comedere “to eat’”, “to eat along with”, “to consume”; ICD-10 L70.0: comedones), also called blackheads, are primary, non-inflammatory efflorescences (pathological changes of the skin). They are dilated hair ducts (hair follicles) filled with keratin and sebum. Comedones can occur alone or in association with acne (e.g., acne vulgaris). Symptoms – complaints Frequent occurrence … Comedones: Blackheads

Nevi: Birthmarks

Nevus refers to benign skin/mucous membrane malformations (pigment mark, often called “mole” or “birthmark” in common parlance). The following forms can be distinguished: Dermal melanocytic nevi (ICD-10 D22.9). Mongolian spot – indistinct gray-blue discoloration of the skin in the buttock/back area; regresses by puberty; usually seen in Mongolians. Nevus coeruleus (blue nevus) – coarse blue-black … Nevi: Birthmarks

Skin: Anatomy, Function, Skin Diseases and Lesions

Throughout life, the skin is exposed to numerous stresses and environmental influences on a daily basis. The natural protective layer of the skin does not always manage to withstand these influences. Sunburns, too much chemicals in shower gels and lotions, wrong nutrition – all this attacks our skin. Skin diseases such as neurodermatitis, melanoma (black … Skin: Anatomy, Function, Skin Diseases and Lesions

Pityriasis Simplex Capitis: Dandruff of the Head

Visible head dandruff (synonyms: head dandruff; head seborrhea; pityriasis; pityriasis simplex capitis; pityriasis simplex capitis (head dandruff); seborrheic cradle cap; nausea; ICD-10 L21.0: seborrhea capitis) is dead skin cells that are shed faster than in people who do not have a dandruff problem. Dandruff is actually quite natural. Dandruff is differentiated as follows: Dry dandruff … Pityriasis Simplex Capitis: Dandruff of the Head

Varices: Varicose Veins

In varicose veins (synonyms: Leg varicosis; varicose veins; varicosis; varicose congestion; vein ectasia; venous nodule; ICD-10 I83.-: Varicose veins of the lower extremities) are sac-shaped or cylindrically dilated and tortuous superficial veins. They pose an increased risk for other venous diseases. Varicose veins are among the most common diseases of the leg veins. Varicosis can … Varices: Varicose Veins

Baby moles

Definition A birthmark or mole is a benign skin change. More precisely, it is an accumulation of pigment cells, so that the spot can be distinguished from the surrounding skin by its color. Birthmarks are usually monochrome and can take on different shades of brown to an almost black color. They can exist from birth … Baby moles