What does it mean when the birthmark is reddened? | Inflammation of a birthmark

What does it mean when the birthmark is reddened?

A reddened birthmark can also indicate an inflammation. Here, too, changes in the birthmark must be taken into consideration.

How do I distinguish an inflamed mole from a pimple?

A birthmark is usually colored. There are different colors of a birthmark, usually they are brown. A pimple, on the other hand, usually has the color of the surrounding skin or is reddened.

Pimples are usually accompanied by pus. Mostly a pimple is a newly appearing structure, which usually appears overnight and is pressure sensitive.A birthmark on the other hand grows slowly and is more likely to be noticed. The birthmark differs from a pimple mostly in color and shape.

The inflammation of a mole also causes swelling and redness. Here, however, the original color of the birthmark is still preserved. If there is any doubt whether it is a mole or a pimple, a dermatologist should be consulted.

The birthmark is swollen, what is behind it?

Behind a swollen birthmark can also be an inflammation. However, birthmarks are more endangered than other skin areas to degenerate. Therefore every birthmark that changes should be checked. Cancer prevention includes the annual control of all moles on the entire body.

Painful birthmark – what is behind it?

A birthmark can be painful when it is inflamed. In addition to the pain, the inflammation often causes swelling and redness at the affected area. If there is any change, redness or pain in a birthmark, a doctor should always be consulted.

The inflammation should be treated with local antiseptics to prevent the germs from spreading into the bloodstream. Otherwise, this can lead to blood poisoning (sepsis). A malignant process can also be behind the painful birthmark. This is not often the case, but must always be taken into account in differential diagnostics. If there is any doubt about this, a biopsy must be taken by the family doctor as a precautionary measure.