Liver spot inflamed | Liver spot

Liver spot inflamed If a liver spot becomes inflamed or a red edge forms around it, this can be due to various causes. These can be rather harmless processes, such as an allergic reaction or an infection. However, a permanent inflammation can also promote a degeneration of cells, which in the worst case can lead … Liver spot inflamed | Liver spot

Neurocutaneous Melanosis

Definition Neurocutaneous melanosis (Melanosis neurocutanea), also known as neurocutaneous melanoblastosis syndrome or neurocutaneous melanocytosis, is a rare skin disease in which the brain and parts of the spinal cord can also be affected. The disease is congenital, but is not inherited (not hereditary). The symptoms are usually developed by the end of the first years … Neurocutaneous Melanosis

The treatment of neurocutaneous melanosis | Neurocutaneous Melanosis

The treatment of neurocutaneous melanosis A regular annual check of the moles by a dermatologist is important because they carry a high risk of degeneration. This means that the naevi can develop into melanomas (skin cancer). During the first weeks of life of an infant suffering from neurocutaneous melanocytosis, the large-area nevi can be abraded … The treatment of neurocutaneous melanosis | Neurocutaneous Melanosis

Birthmark itches

Synonyms in a broader sense Liver spot, nevusA birthmark is a special form of liver spot, i.e. a benign proliferation of pigment-producing skin cells. In medical terminology, the synonyms pigment nevus or nevus are common. The term “birthmark” is chosen rather superficially and does not provide any information about the type of proliferated cells. In … Birthmark itches

Birthmark on the child | Birthmark itches

Birthmark on the child In children it is particularly important to differentiate precisely whether the entire skin is itchy and/or painful or only the birthmark is directly irritated. This distinction is not always easy to make. Especially in smaller children, who cannot yet express themselves precisely enough, the localization of the pain often remains vague. … Birthmark on the child | Birthmark itches

Typical abnormal findings | Skin cancer screening

Typical abnormal findings Skin cancer screening serves to identify the three most common skin tumors. A distinction is made between so-called black skin cancer in the form of malignant melanoma and light skin cancer. Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma belong to this light skin cancer.All three differ in their course, prognosis and further … Typical abnormal findings | Skin cancer screening

Skin cancer screening

Skin cancer screening is a measure from the field of prevention. The aim of screening is to detect diseases as early as possible. On the one hand, the aim is to detect preliminary stages of the disease before they manifest themselves with the typical symptoms. In the case of tumors in particular, metastases have often … Skin cancer screening

Who can perform skin cancer screening? | Skin cancer screening

Who can perform skin cancer screening? Special training is required to be able to perform skin cancer screening. This ensures a standardized procedure for skin cancer screening paid for by the insurance companies. Accordingly, the screening is still offered primarily by dermatologists, i.e. dermatologists. Of course, they also have the greatest expertise when it comes … Who can perform skin cancer screening? | Skin cancer screening

Skin Aging: Symptoms

Typical signs of skin aging are: Wrinkles Sagging Atrophy (shrinkage, or reduction in cell mass). Yellowish discoloration Lipid deficiency (lack of fats) Irregular pigmentation Skin The skin of age is sensitive to dehydration. The secretion of sweat decreases with age. The level of sebum on the skin decreases. The ability of old skin to adapt … Skin Aging: Symptoms