White stains on teeth after bleaching | White teeth through bleaching

White stains on teeth after bleaching White spots on the teeth, so-called white spots, are either a sign that you received too much fluoride as a child or too little. In most cases, after the orthodontic treatment, the spots where the braces were previously placed are decalcified. Bleaching roughens the enamel and removes minerals from … White stains on teeth after bleaching | White teeth through bleaching

White teeth through coconut oil

Discoloration of teeth is an everyday problem in our society. Aromatic discolorations can be caused by tea, coffee, tobacco and red wine and are therefore enemies of a bright white smile. But that is exactly what is perceived in our society as an ideal of beauty, generally stands for health and is indispensable for a … White teeth through coconut oil

White teeth through toothpaste

Introduction Many people show severe discoloration in the area of the tooth surfaces, which are increasingly perceived as unattractive and disturbing. Since aesthetics and good looks tend to be more and more important in our society, these people in particular want a radiant smile. Not only healthy and caries-free, but above all beautiful, straight and … White teeth through toothpaste