Hemostasis | Blood

Hemostasis If body tissue is opened in the event of an injury, the body’s own hemostasis occurs. On the one hand, the vessel wall in front of and behind the point of exit is constricted in order to lower the blood pressure locally. On the other hand, thrombocytes attach themselves to the connective tissue fibres … Hemostasis | Blood

Lymphangitis after an insect bite

What is lymphangitis after an insect bite? Lymphangitis does not always have to be associated with an insect bite. In itself, lymphangitis is a relatively rare inflammation of the lymph vessels located in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. In the past, lymphangitis was colloquially called “blood poisoning”, which is not quite correct. In the further course … Lymphangitis after an insect bite

Cefizime: Effects, Uses & Risks

The active ingredient Cefizim is a semisynthetic antibiotic with a relatively broad spectrum of activity. The antibiotic belongs to the category of so-called beta-lactam antibiotics. It is also a third-generation cephalosporin. Cefizime is usually administered by the peroral route. What is cefizime? In pharmaceutical use, cefizime is used in the form of cefixime trihydrate. In … Cefizime: Effects, Uses & Risks

Diagnosis of hemochromatosis | Symptoms of hemochromatosis

Diagnosis of hemochromatosis The diagnosis of hemochromatosis is mainly based on the patient’s symptoms and clinical examinations. If hemochromatosis is suspected, further measures must be taken. These consist mainly of laboratory medical examinations, which focus on certain iron values. These values are specialized proteins that transport and store iron. In addition, the absolute amount of … Diagnosis of hemochromatosis | Symptoms of hemochromatosis

Cyanosis (Blue Discoloration of the Skin and Mucous Membranes): Causes, Treatment & Help

Cyanosis, the bluish discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes, lips and fingernails, can be a sign of serious disease of the heart or lungs. Therefore, when blue discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes occurs, it is essential to consult a doctor who will find out the cause and initiate treatment of the cyanosis as … Cyanosis (Blue Discoloration of the Skin and Mucous Membranes): Causes, Treatment & Help

Pyrimethamine: Effects, Uses & Risks

The active ingredient pyrimethamine is a so-called antiparasitic drug. Pyrimethamine belongs to the category of antiparasitics and is primarily used for the prophylaxis of malaria as well as for the treatment of toxoplasmosis. The substance pyrimethamine is a derivative of diaminopyrimidine and, in combination with other agents, is suitable for the prevention of pneumonia caused … Pyrimethamine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Dry pneumonia

Introduction An inflammation of the lung tissue, which is mostly due to the colonization with pathogens, is called pneumonia. In many cases, this is accompanied by a characteristic “typical” picture of accompanying signs of disease (symptoms) such as fever, chills, a slimy (productive) cough and accelerated breathing (tachypnea). In some forms of pneumonia, some or … Dry pneumonia