What are the elastase standard values? | What is elastase?

What are the elastase standard values? The amount of pancreatic elastase should be above 200 μg/g in the stool in adults. The amount of pancreatic elastase in blood serum should be less than 3,5μg/ml. In pancreas, the amount should be between 0.16 g/l and 0.45 g/l. As with all laboratory values, there are no generally … What are the elastase standard values? | What is elastase?

What can increase elastase levels? | What is elastase?

What can increase elastase levels? Increased elastase values are usually not found in the stool but in the blood. This leads to an increased excess in the blood, which can have several reasons. In the case of an acute inflammation of the pancreas or an episode of chronic pancreatitis, the blood vessels become more permeable, … What can increase elastase levels? | What is elastase?

Osteomyelitis (Bone Marrow Inflammation): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Osteomyelitis (bone marrow inflammation) is a disease of the bone caused by bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus. The focus of inflammation is in the bone marrow and spreads to the various bone layers as the disease progresses. A distinction is made between endogenous and exogenous osteomyelitis, which can occur in both an acute and chronic … Osteomyelitis (Bone Marrow Inflammation): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Pyrimethamine: Effects, Uses & Risks

The active ingredient pyrimethamine is a so-called antiparasitic drug. Pyrimethamine belongs to the category of antiparasitics and is primarily used for the prophylaxis of malaria as well as for the treatment of toxoplasmosis. The substance pyrimethamine is a derivative of diaminopyrimidine and, in combination with other agents, is suitable for the prevention of pneumonia caused … Pyrimethamine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Qi Gong: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Traditional Chinese qigong combines practices of concentration, movement, and meditation to balance the body and mind and regulate the body’s flow of qi, or vital force. While intermediate level qigong is primarily intended to enhance well-being and balance, basic level qigong is a medical therapeutic practice intended to have a preventive as well as curative … Qi Gong: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Cerebrospinal Fluid Testing: Treatment, Effects & Risks

During a cerebrospinal fluid examination, nerve fluid is removed from the spinal canal, usually by means of a lumbar puncture, and then examined. Analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid provides valuable diagnostic information compared with blood levels. What is a cerebrospinal fluid examination? During a cerebrospinal fluid examination, nerve fluid is removed from the spinal canal, … Cerebrospinal Fluid Testing: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Blood values for pneumonia

Introduction In addition to the occurrence of physical symptoms, pneumonia usually also leads to a change in blood values. By taking blood samples from the affected persons, the blood can be examined in the laboratory for signs specific to inflammation, and in the case of positive infection values, this can support the diagnosis of pneumonia. … Blood values for pneumonia

Change in blood values in cirrhosis of the liver

Introduction Cirrhosis of the liver is a highly complex clinical picture, which can be accompanied by numerous secondary diseases, symptoms and difficulties. Ultimately, all chronic diseases of the liver tissue lead to a remodelling of the liver cells and cirrhosis without treatment or elimination of the causes. Over time, cirrhosis of the liver restricts all … Change in blood values in cirrhosis of the liver

Is it possible to have good blood values despite cirrhosis of the liver? | Change in blood values in cirrhosis of the liver

Is it possible to have good blood values despite cirrhosis of the liver? Liver cirrhosis describes a chronic remodelling process of the liver tissue with a slowly progressing loss of liver function. In the early stages of liver cirrhosis, numerous parts of the liver are often still functional and can easily compensate for the cirrhotic … Is it possible to have good blood values despite cirrhosis of the liver? | Change in blood values in cirrhosis of the liver