BMI: Body Mass Index

A look in the mirror, often this is critical. Am I too fat, too thin or about right? Do I need to lose weight or gain weight? Questions around their own weight are everyday life for many people. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a mathematical formula that can be used to calculate a measurement … BMI: Body Mass Index

Pain all over the body

Introduction Pain all over the body can be very different. Patients take the pain very differently. They can occur in phases and can sometimes be stronger or weaker. However, the pain can also be permanent and cause the patient great discomfort. Many patients are restricted in their everyday life or even their job. Causes Pain … Pain all over the body

Associated symptoms | Pain all over the body

Associated symptoms Since pain is very unspecific throughout the body, very different symptoms can accompany the pain. Often the pain causes exhaustion and physical limitations. Depending on the cause of the pain, there may be specific or very general additional symptoms. In fibromyalgia, sleep and concentration disorders are still typical. The numerous rheumatic clinical pictures … Associated symptoms | Pain all over the body

Pain Therapy: Stepchild of Medicine

Many people fear getting sick. And almost everyone is afraid of pain. Pain is initially a protective mechanism: it signals to us that something is wrong in our body. If the cause passes, but the pain remains, it becomes an illness itself – and often a long path of suffering for those affected. Pain therapy: … Pain Therapy: Stepchild of Medicine

How to Get Fit Through the Summer

Being active in sports is one of the most popular leisure activities in summer. And a natural way to prevent civilization diseases caused by lack of exercise. However, it is only really healthy in the warm season if the diet is also right. Because only those who regularly replenish their performance stores, protect their bodies … How to Get Fit Through the Summer

Diet for Fatty Liver

Fatty liver is a benign disease. It is believed that due to the wide spread of malnutrition and overeating, about a quarter of the population suffers from fatty liver. If the causes that have led to the damage of the liver cells are eliminated as quickly as possible, the fatty degeneration usually disappears completely. However, … Diet for Fatty Liver

Diet for Cirrhosis of the Liver

Liver cirrhosis is associated with transformation of liver cells into scar tissue and connective tissue. It occurs when various liver diseases fail to heal for years. When much functional tissue is destroyed, the organ’s performance becomes limited. However, as long as the liver performs its functions (compensated form of cirrhosis), this form of liver disease … Diet for Cirrhosis of the Liver

Healthy Anti-Stress Program: Fruits and Vegetables for Strong Nerves

Brimful appointment calendar? The date with your best friend already postponed three times due to time constraints? At the yoga class almost always at least five minutes late? To avoid losing your nerve in the daily hustle and bustle, there is a simple, delicious and effective anti-stress program: fruits and vegetables. Want some tips? No … Healthy Anti-Stress Program: Fruits and Vegetables for Strong Nerves

What does Sleeping Sickness Mean?

Every one of us has had it at one time or another: leaden fatigue and an extreme need for sleep. Especially during the dreary winter months, the desire to simply pull the covers over our heads sometimes in the morning and allow our bodies and minds to rest is strong. “I’ve got the sleeping sickness” … What does Sleeping Sickness Mean?

Weight loss with saturation | Losing weight without hunger – is that possible?

Weight loss with saturation In contrast to traditional diets, losing weight with a degree of satiety is supposed to help you reach your desired weight without starving. The focus is on the satiety index or degree of saturation of the food. This value takes into account the energy content of foods and their nutritional value … Weight loss with saturation | Losing weight without hunger – is that possible?