Bone fracture foot | Fracture

Bone fracture foot Bone fractures of the foot can affect various bones, for example the tarsal bones (Ossa tarsi), the metatarsal bones (Ossa metatarsalia) or the toe bones (phalanges) can break. The symptoms that occur depend on the bone affected, the type of fracture and the circumstances of the accident. Accordingly, the treatment is carried … Bone fracture foot | Fracture

Healing | Fracture

Healing The type of healing of a bone fracture (fracture healing) depends primarily on the type of fracture. In addition, the treatment initiated for a bone fracture also has a decisive influence on its healing. In general, the types of healing of bone fractures are divided into two classes. In medical terminology, we speak of … Healing | Fracture

Osteoblasts: Structure, Function & Diseases

Osteoblasts are most commonly referred to as bone-building cells and osteoclasts as bone-degrading cells. This view is certainly too short-sighted. Rather, meaningful interaction between the two cell types is a prerequisite for balance in bone metabolism. What are osteoblasts? A living bone is constantly undergoing remodeling and requires the activity of both degrading and remodeling … Osteoblasts: Structure, Function & Diseases

Ochronosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Ochronosis is a congenital metabolic disease whose damaging effects on health usually do not become apparent until middle age. Because of the initial lack of symptoms, the metabolic disease is rarely diagnosed in young children. What is ochronosis? The medical name ochronosis is derived from the color ochre, a shade of yellow. As ochronosis progresses, … Ochronosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Therapy | Bold embolism

Therapy If a fat embolism has been diagnosed in the pulmonary or cerebral vessels, an adequate therapy should be initiated as soon as possible. A symptomatic therapy is the main focus. Possible options include inhibition of blood clotting (anticoagulation) and the use of glucocorticoids. However, the use of anticoagulants in particular must be critically reviewed, … Therapy | Bold embolism

Bold embolism

What is a fat embolism? Fat embolism is an embolic event of fatty material entering the vascular system. The occlusion can affect, among other things, the pulmonary vascular system and possibly also the vascular system of the central nervous system (CNS). This leads to serious complications that can be fatal if undetected. There are other … Bold embolism