Symptoms and first signs of fatigue fracture | Fatigue fracture – You need to know that!

Symptoms and first signs of fatigue fracture Especially in the case of a fatigue fracture, characteristic symptoms are difficult to detect. The symptoms of a fatigue fracture typically develop insidiously, making them very different from those of a normal, acute fracture. The first signs of fatigue fracture can be slight pain, characteristically point-like pressure pain … Symptoms and first signs of fatigue fracture | Fatigue fracture – You need to know that!

Therapy | Coccyx fracture

Therapy The coccyx fracture is usually treated conservatively (i.e. not surgically but by preserving the tissue of the injured organ). Analgesics (painkillers) can be taken to relieve pain and inhibit inflammation. Since the pain is provoked by pressure on the coccyx, a ring cushion is helpful when sitting to relieve the pain. To reduce the … Therapy | Coccyx fracture

Diagnosis of fatigue fracture | Fatigue fracture – You need to know that!

Diagnosis of fatigue fracture The diagnosis of a fatigue fracture is often difficult. Often athletes simply come to the doctor with complaints of the foot, lower or upper thigh, which are described as unclear pain. If the doctor suspects a fatigue fracture, he will take a specific medical history (anamnesis). Important questions here are, for … Diagnosis of fatigue fracture | Fatigue fracture – You need to know that!

Fatigue fracture of the hip | Fatigue fracture – You need to know that!

Fatigue fracture of the hip Fatigue fractures of the hip bone are rare. More often, fractures occur near the hip joint, for example at the femoral neck bone. The causes are often sports that are particularly stressful for the lower extremities (cross-country skiing, soccer, gymnastics, etc.) – a so-called stress fracture then occurs in the … Fatigue fracture of the hip | Fatigue fracture – You need to know that!

Pain in the thigh

Introduction Pain in the thigh often occurs after sports injuries or overloading. The musculature of the thigh is strained in most sports and often has to withstand extreme loads such as abrupt stopping and acceleration. For this reason, injuries often occur in the thigh. In general, after a sports injury, the sporting strain should be … Pain in the thigh