Can this be an indication of cancer? | Green bowel movement

Can this be an indication of cancer?

The unique occurrence of green stool is not an indication of the presence of cancer. Only in the case of repeated occurrence, or if the bowel movement is continuously green and no other suitable explanation for the green coloration of the stool can be found, can cancer be thought of. In general, a tumorous disease of the bile ducts or the gall bladder is very rare.

However, another potential source could be a cancer of the liver, which is responsible for the production of bile. However, a liver tumor is usually preceded by cirrhosis of the liver, which is diagnosed on the basis of many symptoms. In short, if the liver is the cause, patients are usually aware of the possibility of cancer developing at the base of cirrhosis.Tumors of the gallbladder are extremely rare, but can also manifest themselves by repeated green defecation.


A correct diagnosis usually begins with a detailed anamnesis. This is about how long the problem has existed and how often the green bowel movement occurs. If there is no obvious explanation for the treating physician, a sonography, i.e. an ultrasound examination of the abdomen, is usually performed.

This provides initial information about the condition and size of the gallbladder or liver. If no clear assessment is possible, an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography (ERCP) can be performed. This is an ultrasound device that is inserted under anesthesia from the mouth to the small intestine in order to get a more direct view of the gallbladder. If this examination does not provide any conclusive evidence, a CT scan is performed.

These symptoms tell me that my green bowel movements are pathological

The presence of blood in the stool is always suspected. If the stool is not only greenish, but also has deposits of blood, this is an indication of a more serious underlying disease and should be clarified as soon as possible. It is also a cause for concern if the frequency of greenish stool increases.

If the green stool occurs permanently, this should be clarified. The odor of the bowel movement has no immediate disease value. Similar to the color, however, is also true here: If this condition becomes permanent and “normal” bowel movements are no longer excreted, a doctor should always be consulted.