An overview of prosthetics

Introduction If there is a loss of a lot of hard tooth substance, i.e. enamel and dentin, or even the loss of one or more teeth, dental prosthetics, i.e. dentures, come into play. The aim is to restore the condition before the loss, or to find suitable dentures to restore the main functions of the … An overview of prosthetics

Phosphate cement

Introduction Phosphate cement is a material that has been used in dentistry for over a hundred years. It has a white color. Phosphate cement can be mixed together from a powder and a liquid and is often used as a luting cement for the definitive placement of metal crowns or veneer crowns and bridges. It … Phosphate cement


Synonyms in the broadest sense Truncus encephali Introduction The brain stem, also called truncus encepahli, consists of the following components: Midbrain=Mesencephalon Afterbrain=Metencephalon from bridge (Pons) and cerebellum Lengthened medulla oblangata The brain stem of the brain comprises, from top to bottom, the midbrain, the bridge with the IV brain ventricle behind it and the adjacent … Brainstem

Implant or Bridge?

Implants and bridges close unsightly gaps between teeth when a tooth has had to be extracted. But when is which solution better? Which lasts longer: bridge or implant? What are the advantages and disadvantages of both methods? And what do they cost? Our expert Dr. Dr. Manfred Nilius provides answers to these questions in an … Implant or Bridge?