Body Odor: Causes, Treatment & Help

Body odor means unpleasant smelling or even smelly body parts or evaporations of the complete body. The causes are as varied as the treatment options. Body odor can also be prevented. What is body odor? As body odor, we mostly refer to unpleasant-smelling evaporations of the body. It occurs in various forms such as sweat … Body Odor: Causes, Treatment & Help

Bromhidrosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Bromhidrosis, also known as bromhidrosis, is a special form of hyperhidrosis, abnormal sweating. In bromhidrosis, affected individuals suffer from abnormally excessive sweat secretion. What is bromhidrosis The increased sweat secretion causes excessive secretion of sweat. Normally, the body produces a certain amount of sweat to regulate body temperature. Thus, when the ambient temperature is appropriately … Bromhidrosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Bromhidrosis and Hypohidrosis

People whose sweat has a strong unpleasant odor are particularly unpleasant. They are affected by bromhidrosis. The strong odor is caused by bacteria that decompose the secreted sweat on the skin. Affected individuals are particularly burdened in their social life and often have to deal with accompanying psychological symptoms: They are often ostracized at work … Bromhidrosis and Hypohidrosis

Excretion: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

By excretion, physicians mean the release of certain metabolic products into the environment. Without excretion, the balance in metabolism would be disturbed and poisoning by metabolic products such as ammonia could occur. Disturbed excretion is present, for example, in the group of storage diseases. What is excretion? Excretion is the excretion of unwanted or unusable … Excretion: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases