Protein shake to lose weight | Protein shake

Protein shake to lose weight

The principle of losing weight is actually quite simple and meanwhile almost everybody knows it. If you want to lose weight, you have to consume less energy through food than you consume during the day. This is the only way the body can use its iron-clad energy reserves.

In the best case these are the fat reserves and a defined body results from a disciplined diet and physical activity. Muscles are also a reservoir of energy, but this should be spared if possible when losing weight. An increased supply of protein during a moderate calorie deficit can at least partially protect the muscles from degradation, provided that the muscles are strained by exercise.

If you want to lose weight, you should not follow a crash diet if possible, but change your diet permanently. There are many protein shakes on the market that replace entire meals. However the learning effect with this method is quite small and after short time one falls back into its unhealthy way of life.

Protein shakes can supplement a healthy diet, however, even in slimming. They make you full, have a high protein content and can be used as snacks between meals, for example. Users should choose shakes that are as low in carbohydrates and calories as possible. Because there is one thing you should not forget: Only those with a calorie deficit lose weight permanently and healthily.

When should one take protein shakes? Before, during or after training?

The myth of the “anabolic window” still haunts the fitness world. According to this myth, the muscles’ absorption capacity should be particularly high directly after strength training and protein should be better metabolized. In fact, the muscles are better supplied with blood after training, but the regeneration time is not only 45 minutes, but up to two days.

An intake of protein shakes after training is recommended, but not absolutely necessary. They can be consumed in the same way before training. However, many shakes can lead to digestive problems such as flatulence and a feeling of fullness, so this is only recommended to a limited extent. Protein shakes are also very suitable as snacks between meals or before bedtime.