Exercises for the thoracic spine

The anterior (ventral) musculature shortens noticeably in today’s everyday life, while the back muscles are too weak to straighten the spine. Exercises for the thoracic spine are aimed at correcting this muscular imbalance, maintaining the mobility of the vertebral joints and restoring the physiological position of the spine. The exercises should be integrated into everyday … Exercises for the thoracic spine

Physiotherapy for pain in the thoracic spine

Pain in the thoracic spine can be very unpleasant. Physiotherapy can often combat the complaints well. Phyiotherapy/exercises In physiotherapy for complaints in the thoracic spine, a precise diagnosis is first made with the patient, which describes the cause of the complaints and the background to them. An individual and targeted treatment plan is then drawn … Physiotherapy for pain in the thoracic spine

Further measures | Physiotherapy for pain in the thoracic spine

Further measures In physiotherapy, in addition to active exercises, other measures can be used to treat pain in the thoracic spine. Means from physical therapy are for example the use of heat (fango, red light) or cold.Electrotherapy can also be helpful for pain in the thoracic spine. Massages can relieve acute complaints. Joints with limited … Further measures | Physiotherapy for pain in the thoracic spine

BWS Syndrome – exercises that help

The diagnosis BWS syndrome comprises a combination of symptoms that are related to or caused by the thoracic spine (BWS). These may include muscle tension in the area of BWS as well as signs of wear and tear of the vertebrae and vertebral joints, spinal ligaments and intervertebral discs. Scoliosis, incorrect and relieving postures, one-sided … BWS Syndrome – exercises that help

Treatment | BWS Syndrome – exercises that help

Treatment Often the first step in the treatment of BWS syndrome is conservative therapy, including physiotherapy or physical therapy. Both can be prescribed individually or in combination. In physical therapy, for example, heat therapy (e.g. fango), massage, electrotherapy, and rarely hydrotherapy (with water) can be used. In most cases, however, an active exercise program that … Treatment | BWS Syndrome – exercises that help

Respiratory distress / breathing difficulties | BWS Syndrome – exercises that help

Respiratory distress / breathing difficulties In the case of a BWS syndrome, in addition to the organic symptoms mentioned above, breathing difficulties up to respiratory distress can also occur. During inhalation and exhalation, the bony thorax with the ribs must be able to expand and contract again, therefore there are joints between the ribs and … Respiratory distress / breathing difficulties | BWS Syndrome – exercises that help