
Products Hydrotalcite was approved in many countries since 1992 and was commercially available as a suspension (Rennie Gel Hydrotalcite, off label). In Germany, it is also available as chewable tablets (Talcid, generic). Structure and properties Hydrotalcite (Al2Mg6(OH)16CO3 – 4H2O, Mr = 531.9 g/mol) is a magnesium aluminum hydroxide carbonate hydrate with a layered lattice structure. … Hydrotalcite


Definition Vigantoletten® is a vitamin preparation in tablet form that contains vitamin D3 (synonym Cholecalciferol). It is used in case of a deficiency or to prevent a lack of vitamin D3 and a resulting disturbance in calcium metabolism. In general, Vigantoletten® are used for all types of vitamin D3 deficiency as long as there is … Vigantoletten®

Vigantoletten® for babies | Vigantoletten®

Vigantoletten® for babies Vigantoletten® can also be given to babies. Here too, this must be discussed in advance with the responsible pediatrician. Vigantoletten® promote bone formation in babies and toddlers by encouraging mineralization, i.e. the incorporation of minerals such as calcium. Since vitamin D plays a decisive role in the calcium balance, taking it can … Vigantoletten® for babies | Vigantoletten®