Causes | Physiotherapy for back pain during pregnancy


Pain can be caused by overstraining ligaments, tendons, muscles and joints. The altered statics can also lead to nerve irritation, which can be responsible for radiating pain in the leg. Pelvic pain can also be interpreted as back pain, but has other causes than ordinary back pain.

Rather, they are caused by the expansion of the uterus, which is attached to the bony skeleton by ligaments. The stretching of these ligaments can cause pain. The causes of back pain during pregnancy are primarily due to the increased load on the supporting apparatus of the spine caused by the additional weight of the child.

The weight changes the statics of the spinal column, and although the muscles can largely compensate for this, over time the passive structures such as ligaments, tendons and joints are increasingly strained, which can lead to pain. These pains increase in the course of the day.Pain caused by overloading the muscles can also be responsible for back pain during pregnancy. The growth of the uterus continues to exert a pull on the ligaments fixing the uterus, which also affects the spine and can cause pain when stretched.

In addition, certain hormones released during pregnancy change the connective tissue in the pelvic area and make it more flexible to allow for more flexibility during delivery. However, there may also be joint instability of the sacrum or even loosening of the symphysis (pubic cartilage). This can sometimes cause severe pelvic pain.

This article may also be of interest to you in this regard: Exercises for sciatica pain during pregnancy Pain caused by overloading the muscles can also be responsible for back pain during pregnancy. The growth of the uterus continues to exert a pull on the ligaments fixing the uterus, which also affects the spine and can cause pain when stretched. In addition, certain hormones released during pregnancy change the connective tissue in the pelvic area and make it more flexible to allow for more flexibility during delivery.

However, there may also be joint instability of the sacrum or even loosening of the symphysis (pubic cartilage). This can sometimes cause severe pelvic pain. This article may also be of interest to you in this respect: Exercises for sciatic pain during pregnancy