Homeopathic remedies for gout

With gout, a disturbed uric acid metabolism leads to an excessive amount of uric acid. This can no longer be excreted from the body, as would normally happen via the kidneys. The formation of so-called urate crystals is then promoted. The urate crystals settle in the joints in different parts of the body and cause … Homeopathic remedies for gout

Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathic remedies for gout

Is there a suitable complex agent? active ingredients: Girheulit® HOM tablets contain the active ingredients. Effect: Girheulit® HOM tablets are effective against pain of the locomotor system, especially the joints. They promote mobility and relieve the pain. Dosage: For the dosage of the tablets it is recommended to take a maximum of 6 tablets per … Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathic remedies for gout

Other alternative forms of therapy | Homeopathic remedies for gout

Other alternative forms of therapy A possible alternative form of therapy is the use of Schüssler salts.Lymph drainage can also help to improve the symptoms of gout. This includes both classic lymph drainage and lymph reflexology. These promote the purification and expulsion of toxins from those parts of the body where the toxic substances are … Other alternative forms of therapy | Homeopathic remedies for gout

Homeopathy for dark circles

Every person gets circles under the eyes in the course of his life. This is a wrinkled appearance of the skin of the eyelids. In addition, there is often a slight swelling and darkening of the skin area. Circles under the eyes occur primarily in older people, but they can also occur – due to … Homeopathy for dark circles

Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for dark circles

Is there a suitable complex agent? Active ingredients: Remescar Eye Circles & Lachrymal Sacks Cream is a complex product consisting of many active ingredients. These include magnesium and sodium, among others. Effect: Remescar Eye Circles & Tear Sacks Cream reduces existing dark circles under the eyes. It has a decongesting and tightening effect on the … Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for dark circles

Further alternative forms of therapy | Homeopathy for dark circles

Further alternative forms of therapy In Traditional Chinese Medicine, dark circles under the eyes are considered a holistic problem of the body. Accordingly, the causes are addressed and psychological problems are also treated. Traditional Chinese Medicine includes various massages for the muscles in the facial area when treating dark circles under the eyes. This allows … Further alternative forms of therapy | Homeopathy for dark circles

Teething Discomfort

Background The first baby teeth usually appear between 6 and 12 months of age. Rarely, they erupt before 3 months of age or not until after 12 months of age. After 2 to 3 years at the latest, all teeth have erupted. Symptoms Numerous signs and symptoms are traditionally attributed to teething. However, a causal … Teething Discomfort

Calcium fluoratum

Other termf Calcium fluoride salt This medicine (Calcium fluoratum) is also used as salt. Application of calcium fluoratum The active principle of the salts should not be confused with the homeopathic active principle. The latter fights “same with same”, i.e. symptoms with active substances that would also cause these symptoms. Schuessler salts are supposed to … Calcium fluoratum