Release tensions through progressive muscle relaxation | What is the best way to release neck tensions?

Release tensions through progressive muscle relaxation

The nowadays widespread and much used training for progressive muscle relaxation according to Edmund Jacobsen can also be helpful in case of neck tension to solve the complaints. The aim is to achieve awareness of one’s own muscle tone, i.e. the degree of muscle tension, through controlled and deliberate tensing and relaxing of the muscles. Thus, it is possible for those affected to release neck tension by reducing muscle tension. With enough experience, progressive muscle relaxation exercises can also be used to even prevent neck tension.


The release of neck tensions is also possible with the help of alternative medical therapy approaches of homeopathy. There is a wide range of homeopathic remedies that can help with different symptoms. In the case of neck tension, the most suitable remedies are Nux vomica, Causticum Hahnemanni, Rhus toxicodendron, Bryonia and Dulcamara.

The above-mentioned remedies develop their effects in different areas of application. What they all have in common is their effect on the limbs in case of tension or pain, so that they can be used very well to relieve neck tension. The homeopathic remedies mentioned are usually taken in the form of “globules”, i.e. small balls.

The dosage can vary depending on the severity of neck tension. For the acute phase it is usual to take 5 globules three times a day. Among others, the Schüssler salts are also considered homeopathic remedies.

Here, there are also certain salts that are suitable for the therapy of neck tension. The sole intake of homeopathic remedies to solve neck pain is generally not advisable. Instead, it makes sense to pursue additional therapeutic approaches or to integrate them into the treatment plan. In this way a faster healing is possible.

Schüssler salts

The Schüssler salts are different mineral salts which are used in different areas of medicine. For the treatment of neck tensions the Schüssler salts No. 2 “Calcium phosphoricum” and No.

7 “Magnesium phosphoricum” are especially suitable. Calcium phosphoricum is an agent which plays a decisive role in bone formation. A positive effect in the form of dissolving neck tension is another well-known effect.Magnesium phosphoricum, on the other hand, is equally effective on bones, nerves and muscles, making its use very effective for tension in the neck area.