Possible accompanying symptoms | Left side pain when inhaling

Possible accompanying symptoms Unfortunately, there are no typical accompanying symptoms for breath-related pain in the left thorax. Since these pains, which are themselves already a symptom, can be caused by a number of different diseases, other accompanying symptoms are as different as the causes themselves. If, for example, esophagitis or gastritis were the cause, the … Possible accompanying symptoms | Left side pain when inhaling

The course of the disease | Left side pain when inhaling

The course of the disease Also the course of the disease is again completely dependent on the underlying disease.While, for example, a single esophagitis heals within a few days and actually does not leave any permanent damage, a heart attack, on the other hand, is always accompanied by damage to the heart muscle, which is … The course of the disease | Left side pain when inhaling

When does low blood pressure become dangerous?

Introduction Blood pressure values of less than 105/60 mmHg are called too low blood pressure. However, it is not possible to say at what point low blood pressure becomes critical for the person concerned. It is even suspected that rather low blood pressure values have a protective effect on the vessel walls. If low blood … When does low blood pressure become dangerous?

Short term consequences of low blood pressure | When does low blood pressure become dangerous?

Short term consequences of low blood pressure In the short term, low blood pressure (hypotension) can lead to an imbalance of the circulation. Especially young women with a slim build are more likely to experience syncope (unconsciousness) lasting several seconds, which is usually reversible. These are announced above all by warning signs such as dizziness … Short term consequences of low blood pressure | When does low blood pressure become dangerous?

When is low blood pressure during surgery dangerous? | When does low blood pressure become dangerous?

When is low blood pressure during surgery dangerous? During many surgical procedures, a certain lowering of blood pressure levels to a certain level is attempted to prevent possible complications such as intraoperative bleeding. On the other hand, too low blood pressure during an operation is considered critical. According to studies, too low blood pressure before … When is low blood pressure during surgery dangerous? | When does low blood pressure become dangerous?