Spinal column gymnastics

Our spine is there to keep the body upright and stable, but together with the vertebral joints it is also responsible for our back being flexible and mobile. The optimal shape of the spine is the double-S shape. In this form, the load transfer is best and the individual spinal column sections are evenly and … Spinal column gymnastics

Exercises with the gymnastic ball | Spinal column gymnastics

Exercises with the gymnastic ball The Pezzi ball, the large gymnastics ball is often used as a device in spinal gymnastics. There are many different exercises that can be performed on the ball to strengthen or stabilize the spine. Two of them will be presented here: Exercise 1: Stabilization Now the patient moves forward step … Exercises with the gymnastic ball | Spinal column gymnastics

Is the spinal gymnastics paid for by the cash register? | Spinal column gymnastics

Is the spinal gymnastics paid for by the cash register? In the program of the public health insurance it is common practice to support health-promoting preventive courses or to finance them completely. However, this only applies if the patient has regularly participated in the course and the course meets the general conditions of a recognized … Is the spinal gymnastics paid for by the cash register? | Spinal column gymnastics