
Products Metyrapone is commercially available in the form of capsules (Metopiron). It has been approved in many countries since 1961. Structure and properties Metyrapone (C14H14N2O, Mr = 226.27 g/mol) is a pyridine derivative. It is a white to light amber crystalline powder that is sparingly soluble in water. Effects Metyrapone (ATC V04CD01) inhibits the synthesis … Metyrapon

Imipramine: Drug Effects, Side Effects, Dosage and Uses

Products Imipramine was commercially available in the form of dragées (Tofranil). It was developed at Geigy in Basel. Its antidepressant properties were discovered in the 1950s by Roland Kuhn at the psychiatric clinic in Münsterlingen (Thurgau). It was approved in many countries in 1958 as the first active ingredient in the tricyclic antidepressant group. In … Imipramine: Drug Effects, Side Effects, Dosage and Uses

Chlorpromazine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Chlorpromazine is a chemical substance that was first synthesized in France in 1950 and became a basic building block of the drug group of psychotropic drugs due to its action. Within psychotropic drugs, chlorpromazine is the oldest antipsychotic active drug (known as a neuroleptic). What is chlorpromazine? Chlorpromazine is a chemical substance that was first … Chlorpromazine: Effects, Uses & Risks


Definition Neuroleptics (synonym: antipsychotics) is a group of drugs that are used to treat a number of different mental illnesses. These include, for example, schizophrenia or delusional states. In addition to these diseases, some neuroleptics are also used in the presence of chronic pain as well as in the field of anesthesia. The group of … Neuroleptics

Quetiapin | Neuroleptics

Quetiapin Quetiapine is an active ingredient which belongs to the group of atypical neuroleptics. A well-known drug containing the active ingredient is known as Seroquel® and there are also some generic drugs. Drugs with the active ingredient Quetiapine are used to treat psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, manic and depressive episodes and bipolar disorders. The … Quetiapin | Neuroleptics

Haloperidol: Effects, Uses & Risks

Mental illness can make life very difficult for sufferers and their families. But haloperidol, which was developed several decades ago, can provide relief. What is haloperidol? Haloperidol is one of the highly potent, or most potent, drugs in the neuroleptic group. Haloperidol is among the highly potent, or most potent, medications in the group of … Haloperidol: Effects, Uses & Risks