Protein Malposition Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Protein misfolding disease is a disease that causes several other diseases. All of them have in common that they are caused by misfolded proteins. Currently, there is no fully comprehensive information about protein misfolding disease.

What is protein misfolding disease?

Protein misfolding disease includes various diseases. They include more than 300 different other diseases according to current medical knowledge. These are diseases such as cancer, autoimmune diseases or dementia disease. Proteins have the property that they fold three-dimensionally in space at a very high speed. The natural folding can be influenced and changed by various influences. Physicians refer to such a condition as protein misfolding. Any change in folding triggers problems and thus further diseases. Serious conflicts in the functional activity of the cells occur. Among the causes of protein misfolding disease are vaccines. Research for comprehensive knowledge of protein misfolding disease is still taking place. There is no complete information on this disease yet. According to the current status, there is no comprehensive treatment plan for protein misfolding disease.


The causes of protein malposition disease have not yet been conclusively determined. What is known is that it is based on incorrect folding of proteins in the human organism. The incorrect folding occurs inside as well as outside cells. The triggers include gene mutations, environmental influences and bacteria. So far, researchers have been able to provide good evidence that certain vaccines can trigger the protein misfolding disease. These are preparations of a vaccine that are enriched with adjuvants or preservatives. In addition, live vaccines can cause the misfolding. Nevertheless, previous research results have not yet documented a complete elucidation of the causes and origin of the misfolding. If the faulty folding of the proteins takes place within cells, toxic deposits develop in the process. These are the trigger for further diseases. If the protein folds incorrectly outside the cells, the protein loses its function. This also triggers disease, since there is a deficiency of the affected protein within the organism. In some cases, the present cause is explained according to the further disease and thus the affected protein. Nevertheless, many findings and conjectures that can trigger protein deficiency disease are currently not fully established.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

Protein malposition disease has no fixed symptoms that provide a clear conclusion about the disease. The symptoms are individual and depend on the disease present. Only through closer examination do the diseases, and thus the presenting complaints, reveal the defective protein. In most diseases associated with protein misalignment, pain, dysfunction and loss of function occur. The process takes place insidiously. The complaints increase continuously. There is a loss of various physiological functions that occur individually in each patient. There may be limitations of mobility, muscular system as well as tissue changes in the organism. In some cases, in addition to the physical symptoms, those affected also suffer disturbances in brain activity. These are considered irreparable and are associated with impairments in cognitive performance, thinking as well as perception. The complaints are often found in neurodegenerative diseases.

Diagnosis and disease progression

The diagnosis of protein maladaptive disorder is made within the treatment and identification of an existing condition such as silver grain disease, Parkinson’s disease, or Huntington’s disease. To diagnose an existing disease, various tests take place. In a comprehensive blood test, a defective protein can then be determined. Microscopic examination reveals the defective folding. In most cases, the present disease has a progressive course.


In most cases, protein malposition disease does not present with any particular or characteristic complaints or symptoms. For this reason, the disease often cannot be diagnosed early, so early treatment is not possible. In most cases, the patients suffer from protein malposition disease, so that various pains or various dysfunctions of the body may occur. Furthermore, the complications and further course of this disease depend very much on the exact cause and the underlying disease of the protein malposition disease. Similarly, it can cause discomfort to the muscles, so that the affected persons are limited in their mobility and movement. Muscle atrophy also occurs, and the affected person’s ability to withstand stress drops significantly. Likewise, protein malposition disease can lead to a restriction of brain activity, so that patients suffer from mental retardation. Protein malposition disease cannot be treated causally. For this reason, there are no particular complications. With the help of various therapies, the symptoms can be limited and reduced. Psychological therapies may also be necessary to reduce the discomfort of this disease.

When should one go to the doctor?

If there is a continuous decrease in physical performance, disturbances in mobility, or visual changes in the body structure over a long period of time, a doctor should be consulted. Changes in tissue, swelling, or deformities of the physique should be examined and treated. Characteristic of the disease is a gradual progressive course without any interim relief of existing symptoms. Restrictions of the cognitive performance, abnormalities of the thinking or disturbances of the memory activity are to be presented to a physician. If occupational requirements can no longer be met, there is an acute need for action. Pain, a general feeling of illness, a reduced ability to cope with stress and diffuse functional disorders should be presented to a doctor and clarified. If daily obligations can no longer be fulfilled as usual, if regular sports activities are restricted, or if participation in social life is reduced due to existing complaints, a doctor is required. Sleep disturbances, a persistent dissatisfaction or a loss of well-being are to be understood as warning signs of the organism. If the affected person suffers from a depressed mood, limitations of memory or behavioral abnormalities, a visit to the doctor is necessary. Pain, an incomprehensible decrease in muscle strength, irregularities in movement patterns or gait unsteadiness are further signs of an existing health disorder. A deficiency, susceptibility to infection or failure to thrive must be investigated.

Treatment and therapy

There is no cure for protein imbalance disease according to current medical knowledge. For this, in addition to the research results that are not yet sufficiently available, legal requirements must also be taken into account. Currently, a treatment concept could only be established via genetic research. Since this is not permitted by law, researchers are currently concentrating on developing alternative options. As a result, there is currently no single treatment for the malposition disease. For this reason, doctors concentrate on the symptoms and complaints of the resulting diseases. These are treated individually. This involves therapeutic measures such as occupational therapy, physiotherapy, the administration of medication or, for example, surgery if cancer is present. The avoidance of certain vaccines is also taken into account, if possible. If memory is impaired or continues to deteriorate, cognitive training, behavioral therapies, or autobiographical work are used. Since a cure for protein malposition disease is not possible, the goal of an initiated therapeutic measure is always the alleviation of the present symptoms.


Preventive measures can currently be taken only to a limited extent because of insufficient knowledge about protein malposition disease.Since it is known that the disease develops due to vaccination damage, preparations with certain ingredients can be avoided. This should be clarified individually with a doctor in order not to expose oneself to a complete vaccination failure. In some cases, it is possible to perform a necessary vaccination via alternative preparations.

Follow-up care

Like the therapy itself, follow-up care for protein malabsorption disease depends on the symptoms of each case. Thus, there is no single aftercare treatment. A complete cure is not currently possible, but there are palliative measures. For example, special medications or individual occupational therapy can help against the symptoms. If the symptoms are associated with cancer, doctors may recommend surgery. After this surgical therapy, it is important to avoid possible disease triggers such as vaccines. Here, patients should listen to their doctor. In some cases, memory can gradually decline. Targeted cognitive training helps against this. Comprehensive behavioral therapy or working on an autobiography can also help counteract memory loss. The progressively progressive disease cannot be stopped, but intensive follow-up care reduces the limitations. At the same time, affected individuals should consciously learn to deal with their problems. To this end, doctors and psychotherapists recommend that their patients attend a self-help group. There, a direct exchange of important everyday tips and helpful measures takes place. In addition to social contacts, those affected need a certain amount of rest. Gentle sports, physiotherapy and a balanced diet also help to lead as symptom-free a life as possible.

What you can do yourself

Protein malposition disease cannot yet be treated causally. Therapy focuses on relieving the symptoms and discomfort of the resulting conditions. Patients can take a number of steps themselves to support medical treatment. First of all, it is important to get enough exercise. Sports and physiotherapy can at least slow down the progression of physical complaints. Also essential is a conscious lifestyle with avoidance of harmful vaccines and other medications that can cause an increase in symptoms. Affected individuals must undergo autobiographical work as well as cognitive training to stabilize memory performance. Since protein malposition disease is a progressively progressive condition, therapy is also useful. The patient must learn to live with the increasing physical and mental limitations in the long term. This can also be achieved by attending a self-help group. After surgery, the most important self-help measure is to follow the doctor’s instructions. In addition, the body must be spared until the doctor prescribes other measures. By taking these steps, a relatively symptom-free life is possible with this rare disease.