Stool Transplantation | Therapy of ulcerative colitis

Stool Transplantation A stool transplant is the transfer of stool or the bacteria contained in stool from a healthy donor into the intestine of a patient. The aim of stool transplantation is to restore the irreparably damaged intestinal flora of the patient and thus to produce or at least promote a physiological, i.e. healthy microbiome. … Stool Transplantation | Therapy of ulcerative colitis

Therapy during pregnancy | Therapy of ulcerative colitis

Therapy during pregnancy In a therapy during pregnancy, a balance must be found between minimal medication and adequate treatment of ulcerative colitis. If mesalazine or corticosteroids are taken in remission therapy, they can normally be taken in the same dosage during pregnancy. An acute relapse represents a much greater risk for the unborn child and … Therapy during pregnancy | Therapy of ulcerative colitis